Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Now Is The Time To Schedule A Fall Heater Tune-Up

image of a furnace tune-up by an hvac contractor

Now that summer is over and autumn has arrived, it is going to start to get cool outside. If you haven’t had your heater inspected and tuned up yet, now is the best time to do so. It is necessary to schedule your fall heater tune-up every year.

If you schedule your tune-up now, you will be able to beat the rush of people scheduling inspections. Also, you can have it done at a time that is convenient for you. Since you are scheduling it before the busy season, the HVAC tech won’t be pressed for time and they will be able to take their time while doing the job. This is good for the health of your heater. In this article, we will discuss why now is the time to schedule an appointment and what the benefits are of maintaining your furnace.

Explore Our Heating System Tune-Up Services Call To Schedule An Appointment: (732) 349-5059

Why Should You Get A Fall Heater Tune-Up?

family spending time together inside warm home

  • Avoid Potential Problems: In order for your family to be comfortable in the winter, your heater needs to be working properly. When the heater is being worked on by a technician, the heat will need to be turned off. If there is a problem, a furnace repair can take days. This means that you won’t have any heat in the home during this time. If you have your heater checked before it gets too cold outside, the issue can be handled when you don’t need heat. Furthermore, tuning up your system early implies that your contractor can catch any problems early on, rather than when they escalate into bigger and more expensive problems.
  • High Availability: Although HVAC professionals do their best to be available at convenient times during the winter, it isn’t a guarantee. In some cases, you might need to wait days and even weeks before you can get someone to come out to your home. Without a tune-up, your heater won’t work as efficiently as it should. It can make it cold in the home and it can cost you a good deal of money. A tune-up cleans and lubricates your system, ensuring that it runs at peak efficiency.
  • Peace of Mind: When you have your heater tuned up early, you will have peace of mind that you will have heat when the weather gets cold. When you aren’t worrying about your heater breaking down, you can focus on more important things.
Call To Schedule A Heater Tune-Up

What Does A Heater Tune-Up Include?

changing the furnace filter

What an HVAC professional will do during a tune-up depends on the brand of your heater, how efficiently it runs, and how old it is. A professional HVAC service will provide a variety of services. The typical services on the checklist include:

  • An inspection of the thermostat to make sure that it is working properly and that it can turn on your heater when the weather gets cold.
  • Lubrication of all the moving parts so that they work together the way that they should.
  • A thorough check of the tubes for gas leaks and air leaks.
  • Checking that there are no wires that are out of place and tightening any loose wires.
  • Check for water leaks.
  • Change the oil filter, nozzle, and strainer on oil appliances.
  • Cleaning or replacing a dirty air filter.
  • Removing any debris from the condenser coils and making sure that they can circulate the air properly.
  • Check for CO2 on gas heaters.

During your tune-up visit, you can take the opportunity to ask your technician questions about the system. You can learn more about how it operates, wi-fi thermostats, and indoor air quality accessories. Be sure to ask about Point Bay Fuel’s HVAC Service Agreements. Click here to learn more about the plans we offer.

Call Today: (732) 349-5059

Maintenance Is Better Than A Cure

warm heated house during the cold winter

There are some homeowners who underestimate the importance of regular HVAC maintenance. Regular maintenance will increase the lifespan of your system. If there is a problem and it is caught early, it won’t turn into a major problem. This will save you a great deal of money. When a heater or HVAC system is maintained properly, it uses less power to function properly. This will save you money on your energy bills. There are several reasons that you should have your heater or HVAC system maintained every year.

Explore Our HVAC Service Agreements

Warning Signs That Your Heater Is About To Fail

woman dealing with a broken furnace and a cold house

Most furnaces last between 15-20 years and some boilers can last well over 20 years. However, like most machines, they will experience issues from time to time. Therefore, it is important that you are aware of what to pay attention to. This aspect is especially true once your heating system reaches the 15-year mark. Pay attention to unusual sounds, smells, and abnormal functions. Below, we will outline some signs to keep an eye out for.

Cold Air Blowing From Air Vents

Although this is an obvious problem, it is certainly a sign of imminent furnace failure. Usually, there are many causes but in some cases, it is due to a failing furnace blower fan, heat exchanger, or pilot light.

Noisy Heating System

If you start to hear pops, screeching, or even squeaking, be sure to give Point Bay Fuel a call right away. Your unit requires a repair and the longer you wait, the worse it will get.

Rising Heating Bill

We all know that your heating bill will increase as the weather gets colder. However, if you are experiencing home energy costs that you can’t explain for any logical reason, then it is time to call Point Bay Fuel. If your furnace is taking much longer, and using more energy, to heat your home, then it is not running efficiently.

Pilot Light

furnace odors

For those who use natural gas, your pilot light should always be blue in color. If it is yellow, then you have a major furnace issue on your hands. A yellow pilot light means that your system could be leaking CO gas, which is poisonous. However, if you notice a yellow pilot light, some condensation, a smell that resembles rotten eggs, and rust, turn your furnace off. You will need to schedule an appointment immediately.


Dust is always present no matter how much you clean your home. However, if you notice that your dust build-up has greatly increased, it could be due to a faulty furnace. Your filter takes dirty air from outdoors and filters it. It heats it and then blows it through your home. If your furnace is older, it will have a harder time filtering the air. You may change your filters out quite often, which is good, but the blower fan as well as your ductwork helps clean your air. Therefore, if you notice excessive dust buildup in your home, give Pont Bay Fuel a call.

Call Point Bay Fuel For All Of Your Heating Requirements

Many homeowners neglect to have a heater inspection because they don’t want to pay the furnace tune-up cost. Paying for a tune-up is much cheaper than paying for an expensive breakdown later on. When your heater is functioning properly, it will save a significant amount of money on your energy bills each month. To schedule a heater or HVAC tune-up, you should contact Point Bay Fuel.

Point Bay Fuel offers expert heating and cooling services throughout Monmouth and Ocean County, New Jersey. This includes HVAC maintenance, repairs, and installations. Our services can improve your system’s efficiency while enhancing your comfort and indoor air quality. Furthermore, all HVAC tune-ups can reduce your home heating and cooling costs. Overall, our tune-ups are a small investment with a big return.

Be sure to schedule a heater tune-up before the cold weather arrives. This way you will ensure that your system is ready to keep you nice and warm throughout the winter. Let our certified technicians use their skills and experience to service your heater. Call Point Bay Fuel today to speak to one of our home comfort specialists.

Call Now: (732) 349-5059 Read Our Testimonials

Contact us now by calling (732) 349-5059 to speak to one of our home comfort specialists!

The post Now Is The Time To Schedule A Fall Heater Tune-Up appeared first on Point Bay Fuel.

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