Monday, July 26, 2021

Can I Keep My AC On During A Thunderstorm?

image of a lightning storm depciting problems of running ac unit during lightning

Weather can take sudden turns in the summer. One moment it’s hot and humid, the next it’s rain and thunder. If this has been happening in your area, then try to keep your eyes peeled for the next storm. Check the weather forecasts. However, do you wonder “Can I keep my AC on during a thunderstorm?” It’s tempting to keep the air conditioner running but, instead, you should consider turning it off during thunderstorms or whenever there is a risk of a power outage.

Turn the AC off until power is completely restored. Running the air conditioner during a brown-out or below normal power can damage relays and controls on an AC system when the power returns. Also, a nearby lightning strike could do costly damage as well. It is better to wait for things to settle before turning it on again.

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Why Is It Important To Turn Off Your Air Conditioner During A Thunderstorm?

In this article, we discuss why it is important to turn off your air conditioning unit during a thunderstorm or power outage. Likewise, we also discuss how to keep cool and how to tell if your AC unit has been struck by lightning.

1. Lightning Strikes

Lightning over field

Lighting may not strike often but the risk is real. Many have already died on the field because of it. This should be enough for people to take the threat seriously. However, taking shelter is just the beginning. You should also protect your home and your appliances from the effects of lightning. The connection between the house and the utility lines is particularly vulnerable. If lightning strikes this, then a massive power surge can course through the entire electrical system in an instant. Anything connected to the sockets can sustain serious damage.

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2. Air Conditioner Problems

image of an ac unit that wont work after a lightning storm

If the air conditioner is running when lightning strikes, then the result can be disastrous. The unit may no longer function because of the surge. Intense heat can melt the plug and fry the electrical circuits. Some air conditioners are beyond repair. The extent of the damage could make it necessary to replace the whole HVAC system. This extremely costly turn of events is avoidable. Simply shut down the AC in a thunderstorm. The momentary discomfort is a small price to pay in comparison.

People may attempt to get the best of both worlds by using a surge protector. They connect the AC to this unit hoping to prevent damage while enjoying cool air in their rooms. Although this seems like a good idea, the reality is that surge protectors cannot match the ferocity of a lightning strike. Lightning rods are more effective. These divert the lightning’s energy into the ground so that it doesn’t wreak havoc in the electrical system. Just remember that no solution is foolproof. That is why turning off the AC is still the best precaution.

Those who spend most of their days at work may find all of this information worrying. They may not be in the house to switch off the AC when they need to. One solution is to turn the system off before they head out. Another is to install a smart thermostat that can connect to the Internet. This lets users switch off remotely from their phones. Once you have taken care of that, you can focus on your work while waiting for the storm to pass.

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How to Stay Cool During A Thunderstorm

metal electric fan

Those who have gotten used to a cold room might find it difficult to switch off. The discomfort can distract them from their tasks or prevent them from sleeping. It is important to remember that this is only temporary. Thunderstorms typically last for 30 minutes so it won’t be a long wait. In the meantime, outside temperatures will drop as the storm approaches.

Open the windows if possible to let the breeze in. If you have power, fans are also reliable substitutes for the AC. They can increase airflow and provide evaporative cooling. They are more robust and relatively cheap to replace if damaged. However, they can only cool what is right in front of them so correct positioning is vital.

Running the Air Conditioner During Heavy Rain

Many are wondering whether they can use their AC when it is raining hard without lightning insight. Indeed, this is quite safe. Outdoor units can work well in the rain as long as there is a proper drainage system. The situation is completely different if flooding threatens to overwhelm the unit. Homeowners should immediately turn off the power to avoid damage. Let the water drain completely after the storm. Ask an HVAC technician to inspect the unit prior to resumption of regular use. It may require some cleaning and repair to function well.

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How to Know If Your AC Was Struck By Lightning

AC damage is not always obvious. The unit may look fine on the surface but there are problems lying underneath. Document everything that you saw and experienced. Take photos and videos of the effects of the thunderstorm, if possible.

Try to turn on the thermostat to see whether it responds. If nothing happens, then check the circuit breaker. You might also want to replace the thermostat battery. In case the unit still fails to work, then call an HVAC technician.

If the thermostat works, then the fan and the condenser should come on at the same time. Observe these carefully and reset the circuit breaker if you have to. Ask a technician to check the system if they don’t start in unison.

If the system receives power yet the unit doesn’t start up, then the problem may lie in the outdoor unit. Check the condenser. See if there are nearby breakers and reset them. If either of these trip off, then you will have to get professional help.


Final Words

Prevent damage by turning off your air conditioner during thunderstorms. This can save you money and keep your cooling system problem-free. If you notice system changes after bad weather, then schedule a visit from HVAC technicians. They can diagnose the situation and provide lightning-quick solutions.

Point Bay Fuel Is Always Ready To Tackle Your HVAC Problems


For first-rate HVAC services in Ocean and Monmouth County, New Jersey call Point Bay Fuel. Our HVAC technicians are among the very best and they can perform superior repairs, tune-ups, replacements, and installations for all forms of HVAC equipment. Their experience ensures that the work will always be done on time and correctly.

When you’re looking for competitive prices on cooling and heating services, give Point Bay Fuel a call. You’ll save even more cash on heating and cooling by taking advantage of our maintenance services for assured efficiency. If you’re ready to have new heating and cooling equipment installed, we can assist you in finding the perfect model for your home, your needs, and your spending budget. Our work is always backed by a solid satisfaction guarantee. Call Point Bay Fuel right now to schedule an appointment for HVAC service.

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The post Can I Keep My AC On During A Thunderstorm? appeared first on Point Bay Fuel.

Monday, July 12, 2021

How Does An Air Conditioner Work?

image of question mark depicting how does an air conditioner work

We usually turn to the air conditioner when the interior of our home grows hot and uncomfortable. We press several buttons, wait for a few minutes, and experience the cooler air. This is an amazing piece of HVAC technology that makes it infinitely easier to enjoy the very hottest of days.

Air conditioners prevent developing dangerous, heat-related issues such as heat stroke. To add, this equipment makes it possible to sleep well at night. Early civilizations would probably consider modern AC as being magical given that it allows us to control our local environment.

The truth of the matter is that it’s really just the smart application of scientific understandings. If you’ve been asking the question, “How does an air conditioner work?”, then this article will give you the answers you need.

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How Your AC Cools Your Home Down

This article talks about how an air conditioner is able to keep the home at a comfortable temperature even on the hottest of summer days.

Air Conditioner Components

Before delving into the process of how an air conditioner cools your home, let’s take a little time to familiarize you with an air conditioner’s individual parts. We’ll keep it as simple as possible by focusing on the four primary components of this equipment and the jobs that they do within the cooling cycle.

1. Air Conditioner Coolant or Refrigerant

image of air conditioner refrigerant

The lifeblood of any air conditioner is its refrigerant or coolant. This chemical carries heat away from the home into the outdoor surroundings. The cooling cycle describes the AC refrigerant’s journey across various components as well as the changes it undergoes throughout this journey.

2. Evaporator Coils

The evaporator coils are the primary component of the inside unit that interacts with the building interior and absorbs heat. Evaporator coils must be kept clean to ensure optimal performance. Air filters should also be replaced on a regular basis.

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3. Condenser Coils

These are the primary component of the air conditioner’s outside unit. They are responsible for releasing heat. Just like evaporator coils, they are also vulnerable to build-ups of debris. Therefore, they must be cleaned from time to time. Make sure to schedule an AC tune-up for your home ahead of summer.

4. Air Conditioner Compressor

This pump moves the refrigerant from the evaporator coils to the system’s condenser coils. It is basically the heart of the air conditioning system.

An Air Conditioner’s Basic Cooling Process

1. The Thermostat Initiates Cooling

image of a programmable thermostat

Let’s begin at the very start of the cooling process. You’ve just walked into your home after a long, hard day on the job. You turned down the air conditioner before leaving for the office so that no energy was wasted while you were gone. Now your home is hot and stuffy so you walk over to the thermostat and set the ideal temperature setting.

The ambient temperature in your home will be verified by sensors. If this temperature exceeds the temperature that you’ve set at the thermostat, a signal will be sent to initiate the cooling cycle. The system’s compressor will start up and begin moving refrigerant along its intended path. Fans will also start up.

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2. Heat Is Extracted From The Inside Air By The Coolant

The first place that the refrigerant stops is the evaporator coils on the indoor component. At this time, the coolant will be cold. As it starts interacting with the air inside of your home, it will begin collecting and absorbing the heat, much like a sponge. This will cause the air to become cooler while the refrigerant heats up.

If there’s excess humidity indoors, then the vapor may become water due to lower temperatures. As such, air conditioners can also reduce humidity in your home. There’s a standby tray that collects the resulting liquid. It routes it outside so that there’s no risk of leaks or floor damage.

3. Cold Air Gets Blown Back Into The House By AC Fans

image of an air conditioner fan and condenser

Fans blow cool air around your system’s evaporator coils and back into your living environment. With central AC, cold air is forced through the ductwork so that every room in the home is cooled.

In a multi-split system or with a window AC, fans will only blow air into the specific zone or room in which the air conditioner is installed. Multi-split air conditioners make it possible to cool specific zones down rather than air conditioning the entire building. You can turn off an individual unit in a zone or room as well, if your goal is to lower your carbon footprint.

4. Heat From The Refrigerant Is Transferred Outside

It’s not possible for refrigerant to continue absorbing heat forever. Hot refrigerant has to go to the outside unit so that heat collected from the evaporator coils can be released via the condenser coils. As long as the coolant is hotter than the air outside, it can release heat until the balance is achieved.

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5. Hot Air Is Blown Outdoors By The Fans

To bring the coolant back down to a cold temperature, air is blown over the condenser coils by very powerful fans. This makes it possible for heat to be transferred into the outdoor environment at an expedited rate. The area near the outside unit will grow much hotter and you can feel as much by simply placing your hand near the top portion of this component. Given that it’s situated outside, the hot air will be blown away by the wind. Your home can continuously release hot air outside thanks to your air conditioner.

6. Cooled Refrigerant Travels Back To The Inside Unit

After the refrigerant has been cooled down, it will get pumped back to the inside unit by the compressor. This way, the entire cycle can be repeated. This process will carry on until the ambient temperature in your home matches your thermostat’s setting. Once this happens, the system will stop for a short rest. If indoor temperatures go up again while the air conditioner is on, the cooling process will be initiated once more.



Contrary to popular belief, air conditioners don’t actually produce cold air. Instead, they extract warm air from the home little by little until occupants are comfortable. It’s an ingenious setup that’s been quite effective for decades. New AC models are pushing the boundaries of energy efficiency so that consumers can enjoy both comfort and less energy use.

Point Bay Fuel Is Always Ready To Tackle Your HVAC Problems


For first-rate HVAC services in Ocean and Monmouth County, New Jersey call Point Bay Fuel. Our HVAC technicians are among the very best and they can perform superior repairs, tune-ups, replacements, and installations for all forms of HVAC equipment. Their experience ensures that the work will always be done on time and correctly.

When you’re looking for competitive prices on cooling and heating services, give Point Bay Fuel a call. You’ll save even more cash on heating and cooling by taking advantage of our maintenance services for assured efficiency. If you’re ready to have new heating and cooling equipment installed, we can assist you in finding the perfect model for your home, your needs, and your spending budget. Our work is always backed by a solid satisfaction guarantee. Call Point Bay Fuel right now to schedule an appointment for HVAC service.

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The post How Does An Air Conditioner Work? appeared first on Point Bay Fuel.

Can You Replace Just The Outside AC Unit?

image of an air conditioner installation

The U.S. Department of Energy suggests that you plan an HVAC system replacement every 10 to 15 years. However, your system might last more than 15 years, depending on your HVAC unit’s quality and your tune-up schedule. Therefore, ensure that your air conditioner or heater receives professional HVAC check-ups and maintenance at least annually to help extend its lifespan. Remember to do this before the cooling or heating season begins.

When a homeowner faces an air conditioning replacement, many usually ask “Can you replace just the outside AC unit?”. Naturally, AC replacements are costly, and saving money always sounds like a great idea. However, taking this approach usually ends up costing more than replacing both the indoor and outdoor units together. Read on to find all you need to know about this topic.

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Can You Replace Just The Outside Air Conditioning Unit?

The answer is no. HVAC experts recommend that when you replace the outside air conditioning unit, you should also replace the indoor unit. It is still entirely up to you if you will follow this. However, keep in mind that not replacing both can cause problems like frequent failures, reduced efficiency, and a spike in your cooling costs. Here are some of the reasons you should replace both at the same time:

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Indoor And Outdoor Air Conditioner Coils Need To Match

The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) states that outdoor air conditioning units work with specific indoor air handlers. Therefore, the outdoor unit should match the indoor unit to ensure optimal compatibility and efficiency. Replacing only the outside unit will mean you’ll have a mismatched system that provides insufficient heating and cooling. They also tend to be inefficient, which leads to issues like early system failure, reduced comfort, and high utility costs.

SEER Ratings

image of efficiency vs cost depicting air conditioner with high seer rating

The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, or SEER, refers to an air conditioner’s cooling output over a cooling season compared to its annual energy consumption. An HVAC system’s SEER rating determines how efficient it is. The US Energy Information Administration states that a SEER rating of 13 is the minimum in the United States. Outdoor and indoor air conditioning units should have the same SEER rating to achieve maximum efficiency. If you do not replace them simultaneously, there is a high chance that the indoor and outdoor units will have different SEER ratings. Therefore, you will have a mismatched system and the problems attached to it.

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The Phaseout Of R-22

air conditioner refrigerant

Many homeowners want to have more sustainable homes. Therefore, HVAC manufacturers are switching to eco-friendly designs and materials. Old HVAC systems use the harmful R-22 refrigerant. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, this coolant causes the depletion of the ozone layer. As a result, federal energy laws require that HVAC manufacturers use R-410A instead because it is safer. If you still have a model that uses R-22, consider replacing it to have improved efficiency and safety. Therefore, if you are replacing the outdoor unit with a new model, the old indoor unit will be incompatible.

Air Conditioner Manufacturer Warranty

New HVAC systems have a manufacturer’s or factory warranty. It will be helpful if your system experiences breakdowns from defective factory-installed components. However, if you have mismatched indoor and outdoor units, the warranty might become void, and your warranty may not cover any necessary repairs.

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Premature Cooling System Failure & HVAC Repairs

An HVAC system with matching outdoor and indoor units that receive regular maintenance will have a lifespan of 10 years or more. A mismatched HVAC system will strain to operate as expected because of its reduced efficiency. This leads to faster wear and tear that significantly shortens your system’s lifespan. Replacing one unit will cause the system to be inefficient. The unit will end up needing frequent HVAC repairs or experience early system failure. Prevent this from happening by replacing the outdoor and indoor AC units at the same time.

Pros Of Replacing Indoor And Outdoor Air Conditioning Units

benefits of replacing both air conditioner units

Some of the benefits that come with an indoor and outdoor air conditioner replacement include:

  • Save Money On Cooling Costs: A mismatched system will not work efficiently even though it has a high SEER rating. It will likely overwork to ensure that the home’s cooling needs are met. As a result, the system will consume a lot of energy, and there will be a spike in your energy bills. Therefore, a system that is matched will work efficiently and reduce your cooling costs.
  • Enhanced Home Comfort: Having a well-matched air conditioner means it will be highly efficient. It can cool your home immediately, and you will receive better home comfort.
  • HVAC Warranty: The manufacturer’s warranty will be void if the indoor unit does not match the outdoor one. If you do not want to void the warranty, replace both units at the same time.
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Tips To Maintain Your Air Conditioner

Prevent early air conditioner failure and replacement by using these tips to ensure system maintenance:

  • Clean or replace the air filter as needed.
  • Ensure that the fan is operating as it should.
  • Consider installing a programmable thermostat.
  • Seek professional assistance to inspect and unclog the condensate drain if needed.
  • Make sure that the air conditioning system matches.
  • Adjust the temperature of your HVAC system when not in use.
  • Check your HVAC system regularly.
  • Schedule yearly air conditioner maintenance before summer begins.

Doing these will help increase your HVAC unit’s lifespan, improve its efficiency, and lower your cooling bills. Contact a professional HVAC technician to help you with all your HVAC repair and maintenance needs.

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Some of the reasons you should replace outdoor and indoor air conditioner units at the same time are listed above. Remember that units that have different manufacturers do not match even though they might have the same SEER rating. Hire an expert HVAC contractor to help you purchase a matching HVAC system and replace your indoor and outdoor units.

Call Point Bay Fuel For All Of Your HVAC Requirements

Point Bay Fuel provides high-quality heating and cooling services in Ocean and Monmouth County, New Jersey. We have highly skilled and professionally certified technicians for all your excellent HVAC needs, including boiler tune-ups, mini-split repairs, furnace installations, and air conditioner replacements. Rest assured, all our friendly techs are trained, experienced, and knowledgeable to service any HVAC system accurately.

Our company offers highly affordable and competitive HVAC service prices in the area. We can improve your home’s energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and comfort with our maintenance services. When you need to replace or repair your HVAC system, we can recommend the best one that fits your needs and budget. Your satisfaction is important to us, so all our work comes with a guarantee. Book a service appointment with Point Bay Fuel by calling us today.

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The post Can You Replace Just The Outside AC Unit? appeared first on Point Bay Fuel.