Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Can Winter Weather Affect Your Heat Pump’s Performance?

image of a homeowner feeling chilly due to heat pump not keeping up

You can rely on your heat pump to help you stay warm during winter. All you have to do is set your ideal temperature at the thermostat, wait several minutes, and then enjoy the difference. Your heat pump will keep you and every else in your household comfortable. However, there are several problems and flaws that you may need to address at times, just as there are with all other HVAC equipment types. Knowing what these help consumers establish reasonable expectations and make the right decisions when troubleshooting their heat pumps. Likewise, it will help you detect when to schedule heating services with enough time. This article will cover a major issue: a heat pump not keeping up because the winter temperatures are too cold.

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Heat Pump & Winter Temperatures

This is actually a common problem. You might adjust your thermostat to a specific temperature, and your heat pump might do all that it can to create it. However, the inside of your home remains several degrees below the temperature you prefer, irrespective of how long your heat pump is left warming.

Given that it is still fairly warm inside their homes, a lot of people aren’t really bothered by the difference. Others recognize and are bothered by their heat pump’s ability to create ideal conditions. They might contact their HVAC providers to do something about it. In some instances, heat pumps may have legitimate issues that need to be repaired. More commonly, however, these systems are working exactly as they should. Heat pumps aren’t usually able to produce massive amounts of heat when the outside temperature is extremely cold.

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How Heat Pumps Work

heat pump refrigeration cycle

Let’s go over how a heat pump functions to get a better idea of the underlying problem. These devices are multi-functional, which means that they can both cool homes down and heat them up. More often than not, it’s necessary to have an air conditioner for summer cooling and a furnace for winter heating. Heat pumps have the year-round ability to regulate indoor temperatures all by themselves by providing heated or cooled air as needed. This simplifies both maintenance and installation. Heat pumps transmit heat from one side to the home (by moving outside air in and inside air out). Thermal transmission is supported by the circulation of refrigerant and strategic times adjustments in pressure. Each heating cycle brings the interior space closer to the temperature that’s been set at the thermostat.

During the summer months, heat pumps cool homes down by allowing their refrigerant to absorb heat from the indoor air. This heat is released outside via the heat pump’s exterior unit. Air is blown by the heat pump’s fan across the coils to expedite this process. Before the next round is started, the refrigerant within the unit is depressurized. During the winter, the entire procedure is reversed. Heat pumps move hot air from outdoors into the interior of buildings. Given the bitterly cold temperatures that winter brings, this might seem a bit strange, but it remains possible for heat pumps to do as long as outside temperatures never fall below zero.

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Properly-Functioning Heat Pump Cannot Reach Thermostat’s Temperature Setting

It’s important to note that as the winter weather grows colder, heat pumps have an increasingly difficult time collecting heat from outside. After the temperature drops below 35 degrees (Fahrenheit), the efficiency of heat pumps declines. These units start struggling to keep homes warm when outdoor temperatures fall below zero degrees.

This is one reason why heat pumps are most often used in regions that have relatively mild winter temperatures. Homes that have furnaces or boilers tend to be more common in areas with harsh winter weather. Hybrid heating systems that combine gas-fired heaters and heat pumps can be used as well. Gas-fired heaters work well in extremely cold conditions, and heat pumps function well when the weather is mild.

One way to fix the thermostat is by raising your thermostat setting by several degrees to move beyond this limitation. For instance, if your thermostat is set at 71 degrees, but your indoor temperature never rises beyond 69 degrees, raise the setting to 73 or 75 degrees to see if conditions improve. This is a simple and practical troubleshooting strategy that may help you stay warm as your heat pumps gets along in age. Even though your older heat pump might remain operational, it could need a little extra help to deliver sufficient heat.

Causes For A Heat Pump That Isn’t Meeting the Temperature Setting

image of a homeowner adjusting heat pump thermostat setting

Read on to learn more about common heat pump issues, such as those that impact how well your heat pump distributes warm air when outside temperatures are low.

1. The Outside Heat Pump Unit Is Frozen

If a heat pump isn’t performing well, it may be that its outside unit is frozen. When outside temperatures fall too low, these components can develop a layer of ice. This ice will obstruct normal airflow and keep heat absorption from happening. Most heat pumps are able to enter into a defrost cycle that resolves this problem. This should restore normal functioning. However, if the ice never melts, you should get help from a professional.

2. The Outside Heat Pump Unit Is Malfunctioning

Even if the outside unit isn’t covered in ice, it may be malfunctioning as the result of a broken part. There are several heat pump troubleshooting strategies you can try. Make sure that the power is on if your heat pump isn’t working at all. Check all of the openings for clogs. If there are clogs within the air filters, replace them. This will benefit overall heating functions and give you the benefit of clean air. Get in touch with a licensed HVAC company if there are no changes after you’ve taken these steps. The reversing valve could be having an issue or there may be problems at the indoor units or other components that are responsible for ensuring a seamless heating cycle.

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3. Your Home Doesn’t Have Enough Insulation

Insufficient house insulation could be the reason why your heat pump isn’t able to create or maintain your ideal indoor temperature. Despite its hardest efforts, your heat pump may have a hard time keeping up with the rate of heat loss that is occurring at the roof and walls. There might be an open window in your home that’s allowing cold air to flow in. There may be air leaks that require weatherstripping or caulking. HVAC professionals can help you find and deal with these leaks to improve the overall energy efficiency of your home.

Related Article: Do Leaky Windows Affect How My Home Is Heated?

4. There Isn’t Enough Refrigerant In Your Heat Pump

image of an hvac contractor examining refrigerant levels of a heat pump system

If there isn’t enough refrigerant, your heat pump will have a hard time absorbing heat. Get in touch with a trusted HVAC company in your area to have any refrigerant leaks resolved and to have refrigerant recharge service performed. Find out what kind of heat pump you own so that your HVAC technician can deliver the right refrigerant.

5. You’ve Got an Improperly Sized Heat Pump

If your heat pump is always underperforming, it may be too small for your home. A unit that’s too small won’t be able to provide adequate heat. An HVAC company can perform a load calculation to confirm HVAC sizing issues. It may be necessary to replace a small heat pump with one that’s larger.

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6. The Thermostat Is Faulty

Thermostat problems make be the reason why your heat pump isn’t creating the temperature you want. It may be that your thermostat needs to be calibrated. This could be the result of a low battery or faulty sensors. You should also check to find out if there’s a nearby heat source that’s affecting the sensor’s readings.

Related Article:8 Reasons Your Heat Pump Can Cause Your Breaker To Trip

7. Your Heat Pump Is Old

Finally, it could be that your heat pump is old and has sustained a lot of wear. It isn’t as efficient as it used to be, and so, it’s having a hard time heating your house. Most heat pumps are built to last for about 12 years. If yours is older, you should think about replacing it altogether. When choosing a new heat pump, it’s best to have licensed HVAC contractors help you.



On extremely cold winter days, you might find that your heat pump’s ability to deliver heat is limited. This is often due to the way in which heat pumps function. As such, you don’t necessarily have to worry about equipment malfunction. Until the weather grows warmer, auxiliary heat pump settings or an additional source of heating can help keep everyone warm. If you’re not experiencing extremely cold temperatures but your heat pump’s performance is still poor, get in touch with an HVAC professional for heat pump maintenance, replacement, or repairs.

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Point Bay Fuel provides heating and cooling services in Ocean and Monmouth County, New Jersey. We retain professional technicians who facilitate your HVAC installations, repairs, tune-ups, and replacements. Our technicians are experienced, trained, and knowledgeable to perform HVAC system work to your satisfaction.

Point Bay Fuel provides cooling and heating services at competitive prices in the area. We provide superb maintenance services that improve your comfort, energy efficiency, and more. Our work ensures that you have reduced cooling and heating costs. If your HVAC system needs repair or replacement, we recommend what can work best for your home and budget. We stand by our work because we want our clients to be comfortable. Do you need to schedule an appointment? Call Point Bay Fuel today. Click here to view our service area.

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Monday, December 19, 2022

Fireplace Vs. Furnace: Which Is More Efficient?

image of a fireplace depicting fireplace vs furnace efficiency

By now, you have probably gotten your home ready for winter. Temperatures are expected to drop over the next several weeks. There may even be snow on the driveways and streets. You and the rest of your household will be spending more time inside, taking measures to avoid the frosty outdoor air. It’s important to have a heat source that can keep you warm in a cost-effective fashion. A lot of homes have both furnaces and fireplaces. Although each is compelling in its own way, each also has its own drawbacks. One common question is whether using a fireplace is more efficient than using a furnace or vice versa. This article will compare fireplace vs furnace efficiency from a practical standpoint.

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Furnace vs. Fireplace: Which of the Two Is Most Efficient?

One of the top factors considered when choosing a new heating system is energy efficiency. After all, the costs of energy are rising throughout the world. Volatile fuel supplies and the rapid rise of inflation are both noteworthy concerns. You need heating equipment that can keep everyone in your household comfortable without breaking the bank. If you don’t have this, sustaining heating for your home might not be an option.

High-efficiency heating equipment also means producing fewer carbon emissions. If you’re concerned about your impact on the natural environment, then efficiency ratings are definitely worth thinking about. Some comparisons reveal clear winners. Others are so close that the gap between the two models is negligible, and consumers can make their selections based on other factors.

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Wood Fireplaces Are Gorgeous But Inefficient

image of logs buring in a home fireplace

Fireplaces are classic. Consumers have been using firewood to stay warm for thousands of years. Wood burning is both effective and simple: acquire and chop wood, throw the seasoned pieces into the fireplace or fire pit, and then light it on fire. In a home, the smoke should be vented for release via a chimney so that the only thing building occupants are exposed to are the resulting light and warmth. The soothing dance of fireplace flames is also hypnotic. Beautiful and captivating, this motion can have a trance-like and relaxing effect. It also sets the perfect ambiance for relaxing with a cup of cocoa on a cold winter night or hosting an indoor gathering. Sadly, however, this isn’t a decision that can be made solely on aesthetics.

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Fireplace Inefficiency

The inefficiency of wood fireplaces is disheartening. Some studies report that just 25 percent of the heat created by burning wood stays inside the home. The remaining 75 percent escapes through the chimney with the smoke. In some instances, burning wood in your fireplace can result in as much as 90 percent of wasted heat.

Firewood isn’t cheap. It’s disappointing to know that for all that you pay, you aren’t going to get a ton of value. If your budget is something that you happen to care about, looking for a more efficient solution is the right idea. The aesthetic appeal doesn’t make up for the serious lack of efficiency, especially when there are far better options for heating out there.

Wood Fireplace Safety

image of a paper cut family depicting heating and dangers of fireplaces

Another good reason to steer clear of wood-burning fireplaces is safety. These features can’t be left unattended when in use. If you have to run an errand or when you’re ready to go to bed, you’ll need to douse the flames. If you don’t, no one will be there to keep the flames from spreading in case something unexpected happens. Although the risk is low, the consequences of a fire can be both serious and widespread, which means you can’t afford to ignore the potential.

It’s also important to think about how using a fireplace might impact the quality of your indoor air. Even though the majority of the smoke produced by burning wood will flow up the chimney, a fair amount of ash, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) could enter your living space.

Related Article: What Is The Difference Between A Portable & Whole Home Air Filtration System?

Gas Fireplaces Are More Efficient Than Wood-Burning Fireplaces – But They’re Still Lacking

image of an inefficient gas fireplace

To get the aesthetic look and ambiance of a fireplace without a lot of hassle, you can have a gas-powered fireplace put in. There’s no need to burn wood for warmth or contend with airborne particulates. Safety is less of a concern too. These units tend to be more convenient as well, given that they have a steady source of fuel to keep them going. Although they don’t offer the same old-school charm of snapping, popping, and crackling wood, they’re more efficient and they have higher ratings for heat conversion. This is a welcome trade-off for most.

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Gas Fireplace Inefficiency

Considering the annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) rating of gas fireplaces, you’ll find that they hover at around 70 percent. This is a major increase from the 25 percent efficiency of wood-burning fireplaces. There are incredible benefits in switching to another fuel source. You’ll get better value for your money – but this isn’t the absolute best value you can get. Gas furnaces boast far greater efficiency ratings of 80 to 98 percent, depending upon which type you choose. If you happen to get an advanced gas furnace, you’ll get the best value.

Gas Fireplace Doesn’t Provide Whole-House Heating

Keep in mind – a gas fireplace – despite using a different fuel source – is a fireplace. It’s only capable of heating up the area that surrounds it. This isn’t a huge issue if you’re only trying to heat up a single room, such as your living room or family room, during get-togethers. These units also work well for sheds, small-sized cottages, and studios. However, they don’t work well as whole-house heating for single-family homes that have numerous rooms and stories. A gas furnace is an infinitely better whole-house heating solution.

Related Article: Using Ductless As A Supplemental Heat Source

The Best Option Is a Gas Furnace

image of a homeowner feeling comfortable with high efficiency furnace

As far as heating solutions go, modern furnaces are very versatile. There are furnaces in various sizes to meet the needs of individual living environments. Furnaces force hot air through a system of ductwork so that it can be distributed to each zone or room for whole-house heating. Although they might not provide the same stunning, visual aesthetics that a fireplace offers, furnaces can provide consistent warmth during the coldest months of the year. You can comfortably move around your home. Everyone in your household will be able to sleep soundly.

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High-Efficiency Furnaces

High-efficiency furnaces, such as variable-speed furnaces, provide impressive amounts of energy efficiency (they’re up to 98 percent efficient). This means that you can lower your fuel use, enjoy lower monthly bills, and save far more than if you went with the alternative. If you have a furnace, you can affordably run this unit all winter long if you need to. The long-term fuel savings definitely make up for the higher upfront price of a furnace. In the long run, you’ll get impressive returns.

Related Article:  What Can I Expect During My HVAC Installation?



Prudent homeowners aren’t overly concerned with aesthetic styles. Think about the energy efficiency of your home heating solution when deciding whether you want a furnace or a fireplace. If you compare how efficient each heater type is, you’ll find that a gas furnace will always beat a fireplace. Just be sure to hire a trusted contractor to perform your Manual J Calculation and install your furnace correctly. With a seasoned professional handling your installation, you can enjoy comfortable winter temperatures for many years.

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Point Bay Fuel offers superior heating and cooling services in Ocean and Monmouth County, New Jersey. Our certified technicians can provide you with excellent HVAC services, including heating and cooling tune-ups, repairs, installations, and replacements. Each technician has outstanding knowledge and experience to serve your HVAC system needs correctly the first time around.

Point Bay Fuel guarantees to provide the most competitive heating and cooling service costs in the area. Our maintenance services ensure to improve your comfort, increase your system’s energy efficiency, and reduce your home’s heating and cooling costs. Need your system repaired or replaced? We’ll recommend the best solution that works well within your budget. The best part is all our work is backed with a guarantee to ensure your satisfaction. If you wish to schedule a service appointment, give us a call today!

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Monday, December 12, 2022

Why Does My Furnace Pilot Light Go Out After Heating?

image of a heating system depicting a furnace pilot light and furnace fuel supply issues

Imagine this – unlike times before, you wake up in your room shivering with cold. It isn’t a great start to your day, to say the least. You walk over to your furnace and notice that the pilot light isn’t lit. The heating system isn’t going to run until the flame is back, but your efforts to relight it don’t work. The pilot light might come on but only for very short stretches of time. This article will talk about why the furnace pilot light goes out after heating and how you can solve the problem.

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Why Does the Pilot Light on My Furnace Go Out After Heating?

Pilot lights are essential for ignition. If their flame constantly goes out, homeowners are poised to face many uncomfortable nights during winter. Stop this problem now by taking the right actions. You should hire a knowledgeable and skilled technician to take care of this complex issue. Seasoned technicians can find out exactly why this is happening from a lengthy list of possible causes, including:

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1. The Furnace’s Thermocouple Is Broken

image of an old furnace depicting pilot light problemsThe thermocouple on a furnace opens the main fuel line or closes it as needed. This is a tiny electrical device that can sense whether the pilot light is on or not, and it adjusts access to fuel accordingly. It’s a natural safety feature in furnaces. If the thermocouple happens to be dirty, damaged, or bent, then it isn’t going to function as it should. Issues with thermocouples are fairly common, and thus, it’s often the first thing that HVAC technicians check when troubleshooting issues with the pilot light.

2. The Pilot Opening Is Dirty

Take a look at the pilot light itself. Is there are stable flame? The pilot light should have a conical shape and a steady blue hue. If you’re looking at an unstable flame that waves around a bit before going out, then the pilot opening is likely dirty. Dirt, dust, and all manner of other debris can start to build up here over time, interfering with the pilot light’s functioning. This is an issue that can be avoided with regular HVAC maintenance.

3. Poor Location & Airflow Problems

Is this an issue that recurs often? If this isn’t the first time that your pilot light has gone off, you might have an environmental problem like poor airflow. It may be that your furnace is in a less-than-ideal location, such as in a space that has limited air circulation. In order for flames to burn, oxygen is required. Speak with an HVAC technician about repositioning your furnace and let them take care of this major task.

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4. The Gas Regulator In Your Furnace Has Gone Bad

Are there other appliances in your home that are gas-powered? For instance, do you have a gas dryer or a gas stove? Turn these on to make sure that these appliances are working as they should. If they aren’t, your gas meter could have a bad regulator. You’ll have to contact your utility company to have the gas regulator replaced.

Related Article: Do Leaky Windows Affect How My Home Is Heated?

5. Fluctuating Availability of Natural Gas

It’s also a good idea to find out if your neighbors are having the same problem or a similar one. It might be that the gas grid in your location isn’t able to handle peak fuel demand due to a limited supply. Gas pressure could be erratic and have an impact on your pilot light. This is something that you don’t have the power to control. The utility company should handle the problem. Check to see if there have been any announcements of this sort.

6. The Overall Condition & Age of Your Heating Equipment

image of an old furnace

Pilot lights are a common feature in older furnaces, but they aren’t a part of modern models that are built with electronic ignitions instead. If your heating equipment still has a pilot light, then it’s likely about two decades old. After 20 years of regular use, several of its components are likely worn. The increasing inefficiency of your furnace could be causing the pilot light to go out. An HVAC technician can identify the worn components at the heart of the problem and replace them immediately.

7. Your Furnaces Heat Exchanger Is Cracked

Heat exchangers have the job of heating the air. Within the heat exchanger are metal tubes that are connected to the unit’s burner assembly. If the heat exchanger has a crack, it won’t work as it should. The widening crack will impact the venting inside of the combustion chamber and air pressure, which will ultimately put the pilot light out.

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Related Article: What Is The Difference Between A Portable & Whole Home Air Filtration System?

How to Deal With a Pilot Light That Won’t Stay Lit

It’s pretty clear that this symptom can have a variety of different causes. You need to perform a comprehensive and systematic review of the different factors that affect the behavior of pilot lights to arrive at an accurate diagnosis. This is the only way to identify and apply the right solution. Tinkering with a furnace can be dangerous, so be sure to disconnect all electric cables and make sure that the supply lines are turned off. Better still, hire an HVAC contractor to do the job for a faster and far safer resolution.

Why Furnace Maintenance Is So Important

1. Prevent a Host of Common Furnace Issues

image of a furnace technician tuning up furnace hvac systemExperts are incredibly familiar with common furnace issues. Throughout the years, they’ve seen these problems countless times, so, they’re well aware of the possible causes and solutions for everyone. They also understand how to prevent common issues from occurring. Have a licensed and trusted HVAC company service your home heating equipment once annually. They can thoroughly inspect and test your furnace to make sure that everything is working as it should. They can also clean your heating equipment and take care of other maintenance tasks to optimize its performance.

2. Maintain High Levels of Efficiency

The efficiency of furnaces tends to decrease over time. After years of performance, many systems have faulty components, clogs, and other issues that make it hard for these units to produce heat reliably. Without intervention, you’ll see a progressive increase in fuel use, even if your thermostat settings and usage patterns remain the same. Rather than waiting for your furnace to completely break down, call an HVAC technician first. Scheduling routine maintenance will keep efficiency high. It will also lower your monthly home energy bills.

Related Article: What Is A Variable Speed Furnace?

3. Extend the Lifespan of Your Home Heating Equipment

Your furnace will reliably serve you and your household for between 10 and 15 years before it’s time to replace it. Given that the costs of purchasing a new furnace are considerable, you should extend your heating system’s lifespan as much as possible. Limit how much you use your furnace, use moderate furnace settings, and perform routine maintenance to keep this unit operational for up to two full decades or more.
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No one really wants to spend the winter months freezing indoors. HVAC systems, like furnaces, are capable of providing warmth, but only when they’re working as they should. If the pilot light on your furnace continues to blow out, go over the list of possible reasons why that has been shared here to identify the culprit. Get professional help from a licensed HVAC contractor for maintenance and repairs.

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Point Bay Fuel offers superior heating and cooling services in Ocean and Monmouth County, New Jersey.

Our certified technicians can provide you with excellent HVAC services, including heating and cooling tune-ups, repairs, installations, and replacements. Each technician has outstanding knowledge and experience to serve your HVAC system needs correctly the first time around.

Point Bay Fuel guarantees to provide the most competitive heating and cooling service costs in the area. Our maintenance services ensure to improve your comfort, increase your system’s energy efficiency, and reduce your home’s heating and cooling costs.

Need your system repaired or replaced? We’ll recommend the best solution that works well within your budget. The best part is all our work is backed with a guarantee to ensure your satisfaction. If you wish to schedule a service appointment, give us a call today!

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The post Why Does My Furnace Pilot Light Go Out After Heating? appeared first on Point Bay Fuel.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Ductwork Makes Banging Noise: Causes & Solutions

image of a homeowner covering ears due to hvac ductwork making noise

Forced-air HVAC systems produce cool or warm air in one area of the home and then circulate it via a network of ducts. The ductwork is typically made of metal which is susceptible to making noise even at the slightest disturbance. Ductwork noise can get annoying, especially if it is loud and frequent. Homeowners may not be able to sleep soundly as well. This article discusses some of the common causes of ductwork noise. We also share some strategies to reduce it.

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Possible Reasons Behind HVAC Ductwork Noise

HVAC ductwork may generate noise for one of several reasons. You should listen closely to listen to the type of sound it produces. What you hear can give you an idea of the cause of the issue, even if you can’t see it. One of the most common sounds we face is the HVAC ductwork making a banging noise.

Ductwork Is Banging

According to some homeowners, they hear popping and banging sounds coming from their ducts. These noises typically happen in short bursts. The walls of the duct expand and contract when the internal temperatures change. Pressure fluctuations may also trigger this noise. Keep in mind that hot air can cause the ducts to expand while cold air causes them to contract. The human eye may not be able to discern them, but you can hear them happening after switching on your air conditioner or furnace.

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Causes For Other Types Of Ductwork Noises

The ducts can also emit various noises aside from popping and banging. Here are several common sounds and the reason behind them:

Rattling Ductwork

image of a hvac ductwork

If your air ducts are rattling, loose metal parts are the likely culprits. They knock against one another and make noise, which tends to occur as the ductwork ages. The seals start failing, and there will be loose connections because of static pressure. The sound will be heard while the air is passing through the ducts. You may initially hear a soft sound, but it will eventually get louder until you cannot ignore the noise anymore. Hire an HVAC professional to find and repair the issue.

Related Article: Signs Your HVAC Air Ducts Are Leaking

Booming HVAC Ductwork

This loud noise may be heard at the connection of the ductwork’s trunk and plenum. This area has the biggest swing in temperature. If the connection has insufficient quantities of expansion joints or dampers, the noise will be heard throughout the house via the supply ducts. Experienced and skilled HVAC professionals are aware of this, so they do all they can to reduce the noise when installing the ductwork.

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HVAC Ductwork Is Shaking

At times, you may see the ducts shaking or hear a low vibrating sound coming from it. This usually happens when a dirty air filter blocks the airflow from the return side. As the air cannot pass through, there will be a significant drop in pressure that can cause the duct walls to shake and vibrate. Therefore, you should habitually check your air filters and clean or replace them regularly. This way, the ducts operate more quietly, and the system can operate efficiently.

Scratching Ductwork

image of a rat in hvac ductwork

Another unwelcome sound from the air ducts is when you hear a scratching noise from its metal walls. It is likely that creatures such as raccoons, rats, and squirrels have entered your system and are making this sound. You should do something about it right away to prevent them from forming a nest in the ducts. This will have a negative impact on your air quality. If you hear a buzzing sound, it may be caused by the wings of bees or other large insects inside the duct. Contact an HVAC technician to help you.

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Related Article: What To Do If A Rodent Dies In Your Ductwork

How to Reduce HVAC Ductwork Noise

Homeowners shouldn’t have to endure the noise forever. You can remove foreign objects or creatures from the ducts. Qualified HVAC contractors can repair problem areas. If the system’s normal operation causes the noise, the volume of the noise can be reduced. This way, the sound is bearable for homeowners who wish to have a quiet home. Here are several solutions that can be done to help make this happen:

Adjust The Fan Speed

HVAC installers configure the airflow volume from the start. Each system has an optimum range which can be accounted for using several factors. The speed is set up too high in many cases. If this happens in your home, you can lower the fan speed, so there is less static pressure. You can also ask for help from an HVAC professional, as setting the fan speed too low can mean that the conditioned air will have difficulty reaching some rooms.

Change the Air Filters

image of a man replacing his home air filter

Keep an eye on the air filters. These components trap dirt while letting air pass through. The filters catch more dirt as time passes, making it harder for the air to breach the barrier. Therefore, the air filters should be replaced every two to three months, so there is proper airflow and efficiency. If you have pets at home or live in dusty areas, you may need to replace the filters monthly. How often you need to conduct filter replacements depends on your home’s unique situation. A clean filter prevents popping and banging noises from the ducts. Air filters are pretty cheap, so change them immediately so your HVAC system can operate better.

Related Article: 7 Reasons Your Filter Isn’t Improving Your Indoor Air Quality

Install Larger Ducts

There is also a chance that the ducts are too small for the air volume your system needs to operate well. The HVAC units may be correctly sized, but undersized ducts can still create problems. Consult your HVAC contractor so they can assess the situation. Larger ducts and a larger return and supply plenum help lessen the noise. Match them with high-velocity grills and registers to have better airflow.

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Add a Bypass Duct

Use a bypass duct to lower the pressure if there is a lot in your multi-zone system. Reducing the pressure is an excellent method to get rid of the excess stress on the ductwork and keep common issues at bay. However, it will only be effective in some cases. Talk to HVAC experts to see if this option is a good match for your ductwork.

Try a Different Duct Shape

Consider the shape if you need to install new ducts. The rectangular ducts are popular due to their clean lines and slim profile. However, they are likely to generate more noise compared to round ones because they have lower pressure tolerance. If round ducts fit in your home, they may be worth looking at. Consult your local, trusted HVAC company to help you.

Use a Duct Silencer

Round ducts can be installed with duct mufflers so the noise they generate is further reduced. Duct silencers are designed with double walls and insulation to dampen vibrations. These work best when placed near components that make the most noise, like the fan and air handling unit. Keep in mind that these can only lessen unwanted noises and cannot eliminate them completely.

Insulate the Ducts

The ducts can be wrapped with insulation to enhance energy efficiency. They also help keep the noise down, especially the banging and popping noises. Hire a certified HVAC professional to do this task to get the best results.

Switch to a Ductless System

If you did all the noise reduction strategies listed in this article but are still unsatisfied, consider moving away from ducts completely. A ductless mini-split system offers heating and cooling without needing ductwork, so you become free from ductwork noise and upkeep. A ductless heating and cooling system also come with benefits like creating multiple zones, higher energy efficiency, and independent temperature control.



Lots of factors can cause noise in your ductwork. It can sometimes be due to an underlying problem, including loose connections, pest infestation, and incorrect system configuration. When these issues happen, the noise is an excellent way for the homeowner to know that there’s a problem requiring attention. The noise may also be part of your system’s regular operation. It may not go away, but several strategies can reduce the noise’s frequency and loudness. Talk to your local, trusted HVAC technician to determine the best solutions for your home and system.

Call Point Bay Fuel For All Of Your HVAC Requirements


Point Bay Fuel provides high-quality HVAC services in Ocean and Monmouth County, New Jersey. We employ the best professionally certified technicians to conduct all your heating and cooling service needs, including furnace replacements, air conditioner tune-ups, boiler installations, and more. Each of our techs has the right tools, years of experience, and extensive knowledge to service your HVAC system correctly and on time. Click the link to view our service area.

When you need the most competitive cooling and heating rates in the area, don’t hesitate to call Point Bay Fuel. Our maintenance services can help you achieve better home comfort and improved energy efficiency while reducing your heating and cooling expenses. If you need an HVAC repair or replacement system, we can provide you with the most suitable solution for your home while staying within your budget. All of our work is guaranteed because your satisfaction is important to us. Be sure to call Point Bay Fuel to schedule a service appointment today and receive a free, in-home estimate.

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Contact us now by calling (732) 349-5059 to speak to one of our home comfort specialists!

The post Ductwork Makes Banging Noise: Causes & Solutions appeared first on Point Bay Fuel.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

An Overheating Furnace Is A Major Concern

image of a furnace

Are you facing challenges with your furnace? Do not disregard these signs because you may think they are trivial. These heating symptoms could mean danger in your home. For instance, your furnace unit may be chronically overheating. If it is, do not hesitate to address this problem. Inform your HVAC technician about your overheating furnace concerns and arrange a visit quickly.

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How to Determine if Your Furnace is Overheating?

Never ignore an overheating furnace because it heightens your risk of poisoning from carbon monoxide due to, for example, a cracked heat exchanger, and puts your family at risk during the winter. Pay attention to these heating system issues, such as furnace leaks, because early detection can reduce the health risks to your family. Call your HVAC contractor if you experience the following challenges in your home:

1. A Burning Aroma from the Furnace

image of a homeowner plugging nose due to furnace odor and overheating

Have you noticed a burning scent in your home? Everyone usually runs to the kitchen to check their stoves when they smell a burnt aroma. If this odor is not coming from the kitchen, check other heat-generating items, like your furnace. Is the odor strong around the system? Do not worry if the aroma dissipates, as it may consist of burnt dust, which occurs when your furnace sits dormant for some time. You have a serious situation if the burning scent persists for more than 30 minutes. Prolonged heat damages components, including the wires.

2. Weird Humming Sounds Coming from the Home Furnace

Of course, heating systems are never quiet, and property owners eventually recognize the noises from their furnaces. You can expect a constant hum from your system, but never banging or clacking. Once you hear something different, you have to check it out. If noises get louder, you have no choice but to react. The furnace’s motors may be overworking, which leads to components malfunctioning.

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3. A Sudden Shutdown of the Heating System

Manufacturers equip all furnaces with built-in safety sensors. Once the sensor detects extreme heat, it triggers an instant shutdown to give the furnace time to cool and restart. Unfortunately, until you determine the malfunction, your furnace will continue to shut down and restart. If your furnace has this problem, call an HVAC professional for support.

Causes of Overheating Furnaces

Overheating is not a one-off circumstance because a furnace overheats in certain conditions. Its performance will continually worsen while these symptoms build up. However, you can find solutions for each trigger. Here are some of the reasons that your furnace overheats.

1. Restricted HVAC Airflow

image of a home air filter showing the dirt and particles

The warm air produced by the furnace flows through a filter before passing across the ducts to facilitate airflow evenly spreading across the rooms in your home. Any obstructions restrict airflow so that heat builds up because it cannot escape. When your furnace exceeds its maximum operating temperature, you may experience the symptoms we shared above.

2. The Interior of the Heating System is Dirty

Impurities in the air may rest on the surfaces of a furnace’s internal components, and some parts are more sensitive to dust than others. For instance, your blower motor creates heat by spinning the fan blades. However, a dusty motor will not cool. Also, the furnace coils will not transfer heat effectively if coated with grime.

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3. Furnace Short Cycling

Furnace short cycling describes what happens when an HVAC system starts running and stops. In this state, the system will not complete a cycle or perform as it should. Overuse stresses out the motor and other parts. If your newer system experiences short cycles, your sizes may be mismatched. Older HVAC systems experience short cycling because the furnace overheats or the thermostat malfunctions.

4. Poor Heating System Maintenance

Mechanical parts always have wear and tear. Sadly, one weak component can cause the entire heating system to overheat. An example is a stressed fan blower causing a short circuit. This will lead to restricted circulation and increased internal temperatures. Frequent furnace maintenance enables technicians to identify worn parts. Be sure to replace these components before more damage occurs. Call for HVAC maintenance today.

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5. When Your Furnace Reaches Its Service Lifespan

Overheating could also signal that the furnace has reached its lifespan. Dated heating systems tend to have several flaws and failing parts. Replacing these parts frequently causes you to waste unnecessary money. The system will use more fuel which causes the problems to multiply. At this point, it is time to get a new furnace.

Related Article: How Long Does A Furnace Last?


How Your HVAC Technician Addresses an Overheating Furnace

An inexperienced person should never try to open a furnace to repair it because it is dangerous. Always call a professional HVAC contractor to address any overheating problems or other challenges you face with the system. Shut off the power immediately and contact a technician because his training enables him to diagnose and offer solutions.

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How Long Will Your Furnace Last?

The average furnace runs for an estimated fifteen years. If you forget to maintain your home heating system consistently, it will fail permanently. Neglected furnaces tend to develop rust, inefficiency, and other heating issues. However, regularly checking and maintaining the system will increase the furnace’s lifespan. Your furnace’s continued operation and longevity depend on your attention and care.

If you plan to repair or replace your old furnace in your home, look carefully at the costs. You can manage to change cheap and easily accessible parts, but you may struggle with more costly repairs. Imagine if the furnace repairs cost half of the cost of a new furnace. Therefore, replace the system for decreased heating expenses, improved efficiency, and less stress.

Related Article: What Is A Variable Speed Furnace?

Why is Annual Furnace Maintenance Important?

image of an hvac inspection by point bay fuel

If you own a home with a furnace, you should be able to complete simple maintenance tasks such as replacing the air filter and removing clutter. However, arrange maintenance of the more complex repairs with your HVAC contractor, which includes inspecting and tuning the system. Professional maintenance contractors ensure that you reduce breakdowns and increase efficiency, performance, and lifespan.

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Never allow the furnace in your home to overheat for a long span because it causes poisonous carbon monoxide emissions and is also expensive. Contact your HVAC technician if your system shuts down and emits a burning odor. Also, be cautious of loud noises in your furnace. The professionals will confirm your suspicions and address the heating issues with the required tools and quality components. You will be back on track in no time.

Call Point Bay Fuel for Your HVAC Requirements

Point Bay Fuel provides heating and cooling services in Ocean and Monmouth County, New Jersey. We retain professional technicians who facilitate your HVAC installations, repairs, tune-ups, and replacements. Our technicians are experienced, trained, and knowledgeable to perform HVAC system work to your satisfaction.

Point Bay Fuel provides cooling and heating services at competitive prices in the area. We provide superb maintenance services that improve your comfort, energy efficiency, and more. Our work ensures that you have reduced cooling and heating costs. If your HVAC system needs repair or replacement, we recommend what can work best for your home and budget. We stand by our work because we want our clients to be comfortable. Do you need to schedule an appointment? Call Point Bay Fuel today. Click here to view our service area.

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Contact us now by calling (732) 349-5059 to speak to one of our home comfort specialists!

The post An Overheating Furnace Is A Major Concern appeared first on Point Bay Fuel.

Monday, November 14, 2022

What Do Heating Oil Additives Do?

image of a heating oil drop depicting home heating oil additives

Approximately 5.5 million persons in the United States utilize heating oil to heat their homes. Of that figure, 81% of these Americans live in the Northeast. Those persons who use oil have an oil tank as a vital component of their system. People often wonder how they can keep their home heating oil and oil tanks in good condition. Most oil-heat users have heard of heating oil additives, while others already use heating oil additives. This article discusses more on fuel oil additives.

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Different Kinds of Heating Oil Additives

point bay fuel oil delivery toms river nj

Heating oil additives are substances designed to improve the efficiency of heating oil burners. Additives improve combustion, leading to a cleaner and more efficient operation of your heating system.

Home heating oil is available in four main types:

  • Stabilizers
  • Water controller
  • Biocides
  • Line and oil nozzle cleaners

The heating oil stabilizers protect the oil from degrading due to external environmental factors, which include antioxidants. The water emulsifiers help to reduce issues caused by water condensation in the tank. The biocides provide treatment for microbial growth inside the tank. The line and oil nozzle cleaners cleanse the fuel delivery line that transports the oil from its tank to the burners. Also, these cleaners remove any sludge that may have grown over time at the bottom of your tank.

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What Do We Use  Heating Oil Additives For?

What is the role of a home heating oil additive? Initially, we will consider why additives are needed. Remember, you are using refined crude oil in your home.

Today, crude oil is processed in a different manner than it used to be in the past because the manufacturers considered the effects on the environment. Also, the demand for low-sulfur diesel continued to grow.

These changes impacted the fuel making it less stable and high in carbon residue. Manufacturers improved and upgraded the chemical composition of these additives to counteract these changes and improve the attributes of the fuel.

If you have experienced any of the issues listed below, you should consider using heating oil additives:

  • Oil tank freezing
  • High usage rates
  • Build-up of sludge
  • Clogged Fuel lines

How Do Fuel Oil Additives Work?

heating oil tank

As the oil goes through a refinery, its attributes change, and this causes impurities to develop in the fuel.

Impurities include soot, water droplets, dirt, or other particles that could affect the oil tank. Once your tank has impurities, your system will lose its efficiency.

However, additives assist with removing impurities and bringing your system back to efficiency. Additives facilitate the emulsification of water droplets, and this prevents and reduces the growth of bacteria.

The chemical composition of the additives enables them to break down soot or dirt so these impurities can pass through the tank’s filter without clogging it. Additives can shrink pollutants so that these impurities can be burned off and removed from the home heating system, such as your furnace or boiler.

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Common Issues Fixed by Heating Oil Additives

image of a heating oil tank replacement in toms river new jersey

The big question is whether oil additives are cost-effective. Here are some scenarios about challenges you may face and answers for remedying these issues.

Burner Nozzle Clogged

The tank’s burner nozzle could get clogged if there is an accumulation of chemical components such as carbon. Clogs prevent the heating system from burning the fuel effectively because the burner nozzle facilitates the oil spray.

These additives often incorporate cleaning components used to dissolve the build-up of chemicals; therefore, your burner nozzle will perform more efficiently.

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Extra Oil Tank Condensation

If a tank has extra condensation, the components on the inside could start to rust and have the growth of bacteria. These additives will emulsify the water droplets and stop bacteria from growing.

Additional additives can reduce larger quantities of water from the system; therefore, you can avoid rusting, which could cause other issues.

Gelling of Heating Oil

image of a radiator depicting efficient home heating

Low temperatures are a factor in oil gelling. When this happens, the oil cannot flow easily from the tank to the burner, often clogging the fuel line, filters, and nozzles.

Anti-gelling additives decrease the temperature at which gelling occurs in the fuel. People who live in colder areas will enjoy this benefit.

Build-up of Sludge in the Oil Tank

If you experience sludge build-up at the bottom of the tank, your filters and line are clogged. This build-up reduces your tank’s ability to produce heat and may cause your tank to malfunction or stop working. If you need to shut off your heat to prevent clogged lines when you receive a delivery, you have a sludge problem in your tank.

An additive manufactured to dissolve sludge build-up will assist the heating oil with dissolving the sludge. It can also reabsorb any sludge so that it burns off; therefore, the tank will be able to resume normal operations.

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Disadvantages of Using Heating Oil Additives

While the advantages of using heating oil additives surpass the disadvantages, you should know about the possible negatives.

  • Oil additives are unable to remove all water droplets present in your system. If you have tried an additive and do not get all the water removed, you need to call a professional to assist you.
  • Please pay attention to additives that have alcohol because this will cause other issues.
  • If your tank has a lot of sludge and you use a line and oil nozzle cleaner to clean it, it could become clogged. If this happens, call an expert immediately to reduce any further damage.

Note that no one additive will be able to fix all the issues that your tank may have. Therefore, you may have to use a combination of additives. While it may be expensive, using the different additives will improve your tank’s efficiency, and you will save money. Speak with a professional to ensure that you follow the guidelines for the optimal performance of your tank.


Call Point Bay Fuel For Superior Home Comfort Solutions


Point Bay Fuel offers superior heating oil deliveries and HVAC services in Ocean and Monmouth Counties, New Jersey. Our heating oil deliveries are fast, reliable, and affordable, and we always keep your safety in mind. We offer various heating oil delivery plans and financing options. This way, you can customize your fuel deliveries to meet your needs. Likewise, we hire the best-certified HVAC technicians who can provide you with excellent HVAC tune-ups, repairs, installations, and replacements. Each of our techs has the knowledge and experience to service your HVAC system correctly.

Point Bay Fuel guarantees the most competitive home comfort service costs in the area. Our maintenance services can improve your comfort and energy efficiency while reducing your home HVAC costs. If you are interested in improving your indoor air quality, then look no further. Our experts know the most advanced solutions to achieve all of your home comfort needs. All of our services are backed with a guarantee to ensure your satisfaction. To schedule an appointment, give Point Bay Fuel a call today.

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Contact us now by calling (732) 349-5059 to speak to one of our home comfort specialists! Click the link to view our service area.

The post What Do Heating Oil Additives Do? appeared first on Point Bay Fuel.