Monday, April 6, 2020

Top 6 Benefits To Getting An Air Conditioner Tune-Up

image of a family enjoying their air conditioner

With summer just a few months away, this is the right time to check your air conditioner to see if it is ready for the hot months. Temperatures are expected to rise, which means that you will require a reliable air conditioner when it is needed most. If you do not have an annual air conditioner tune-up scheduled, today may be a good day to call your local HVAC technician for an appointment. If you wait until your A/C malfunctions in the summer, you may have to deal with the potential risks and inconveniences of having a broken air conditioning system in the middle of a hot day.

Explore Our Air Conditioner Maintenance Services Call To Schedule An AC Tune-Up

Why Should I Get An Air Conditioner Tune-Up?

Here are some of the most important reasons why you should consider getting your cooling system tuned-up before summer comes.

Lower Cooling Costs

low cooling costs

Home comfort comes at a price, and an air conditioning unit that has not had regular maintenance will have to work harder to deliver the kind of comfort you need. When your AC works harder, it will consume more power and increase your home cooling costs. HVAC tune-ups help ensure that your air conditioner operates at its peak efficiency. When efficiency is optimized, the unit will consume less energy to deliver a high level of comfort.

Increased Level Of Comfort

During an air conditioner tune-up, the HVAC technician will clean, lubricate, and inspect your unit for potential issues. They will make sure that the components of the air conditioning system perform correctly. A tune-up identifies any problems, including air conditioner wear and tear, and indoor hot spots. Maintenance checks keep your air conditioner in optimum condition so it can cool your home better and for a fraction of the cost.

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Avoid Potential Air Conditioner Breakdowns

Air conditioner tune-ups should be part of your preventive maintenance procedure every spring. If you want to save on air conditioner repair and replacement costs, and ensure the longevity of your air conditioner, have it undergo regular maintenance. Very often, problems with your unit can be prevented if they are caught early. If there are any issues, they can be fixed immediately, and any damage can be corrected. It doesn’t allow a problem to escalate into a more costly one. Furthermore, ensuring that your AC is in good shape will help increase air conditioner life expectancy. It will not only help save on the cost of repairs, but it will also help you avoid the cost of frequent HVAC replacement.

air conditioner maintenance check


Pay Less On Air Conditioner Repairs

Before the summer comes, get your air conditioner ready to perform well when you need it most. Of course, air conditioners, like all equipment, can and will break down at some point in their lifespan. However, regular maintenance helps keep components in good form. As such, you can avoid paying more on the cost of repairs. Tune-ups help reduce the risks of damage, and any wear and tear issues can be remedied when necessary. A well-maintained air conditioner will never run on damaged components, and if there are any problems that may be present, they are likely to be simple (and affordable) enough for basic repairs.

Extend The Lifespan Of Your Air Conditioner

Well-maintained air conditioners can last from 15 to 20 years. This means that as long as your air conditioning system receives regular attention, you do not have to think about getting a replacement until after its 10th year. All HVAC experts will agree that air conditioners that receive regular checkups and annual HVAC inspection simply last longer. They perform better and show fewer problems than units that are ignored, neglected, or abused. By simply ensuring that your AC unit receives a yearly tune-up, you can rely on it to perform reliably.

Learn More About Our Air Conditioner Tune-Up Services Call To Make An Appointment

Improve Indoor Air Quality

image of an HVAC contractor repairing an air conditioner

One of the biggest problems that accompany the use of forced-air air conditioning systems is indoor air quality. Homes and buildings that rely on ACs for comfort are often sealed structures. Over time, particulates commonly found indoors such as dust, pollen (brought in from indoors), animal and human dander, and other pollutants usually from cleaners and chemicals will mix with the air and are breathed in.

Poorly-maintained air conditioners do not properly filter these pollutants. Instead, indoor air pollutants circulate and re-circulate inside the building, resulting in a severe reduction of indoor air quality. With regular HVAC inspections and tune-ups, the HVAC technician checks your ventilation system and immediately corrects any problems with HVAC ductwork and air filters.

Why is indoor air quality such an issue? Pollutants that contaminate the air we breathe are potential causes of health issues. Dust and pollen, for example, can increase the likelihood of respiratory illnesses and allergies. Chemicals in the air can lead to eyes, nose, and throat irritations. They can also cause headaches, fatigue, and dizziness. Poor indoor air quality can also increase the risk of adverse long-term effects on at-risk individuals such as very young children, the elderly, or those who have a history of allergies and respiratory diseases.

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Getting your air conditioner tuned-up is not only a cost-saving decision but also a wise choice. When the comfort, health, and well-being of your family are on the line, there really is no reason why you should delay getting your AC system checked. Get in touch with your local licensed HVAC contractors to discuss your concerns. An HVAC professional can help you develop a better understanding of your system so you know exactly what you need to do to achieve maximum home comfort and AC efficiency.

Call Point Bay Fuel For Your Air Conditioning Requirements

Point Bay Fuel offers superior heating and cooling services in Ocean and Monmouth counties. We hire the best NATE certified technicians who can provide you with excellent HVAC tune-ups, repairs, installations, and replacements. Each of our techs has the knowledge and experience to service your HVAC system correctly.

Point Bay Fuel guarantees the most competitive heating and cooling service costs in the area. Our maintenance services can improve your comfort, increase your energy efficiency while reducing your home cooling costs. If you happen to need an HVAC repair or replacement system, we can recommend the best one for your home while staying within your budget. We back all of our work with a guarantee to ensure your satisfaction. To schedule an air conditioner tune-up or service appointment, give Point Bay Fuel a call today. We offer free, in-home estimates.

Call Today: (732) 349-5059

Contact us now by calling (732) 349-5059 to speak to one of our home comfort specialists!



The post Top 6 Benefits To Getting An Air Conditioner Tune-Up appeared first on Point Bay Fuel.

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