Monday, December 20, 2021

The Hidden Costs Of Electrification – Things You Need To Know!

image of couple looking at high electrification costs in new jersey

Climate change is one of the most pressing and complex problems we are facing that need creative solutions. With different applications, there must be different strategies. There are those that argue for electrification as the best solution for clean energy. Unfortunately, this may only work for big companies that can afford the extra expense. Homeowners, on the other hand, may not be able to afford the cost of energy conversion. In New Jersey, residents who rely on gas, propane, and oil may not consider electrification as the most feasible choice. Learn more about the hidden costs associated with electrification and whether or not it is a good option for your needs.

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What You Need To Know About The Hidden Costs Of Electrification

Let’s take a look at the upfront costs you can expect should you decide to convert to electricity.

Switching To Electrical Heat Pumps

image of an electrical heat pump

Many homeowners prefer to use heat pumps because they have high-efficiency ratings. They also tend to be useful for all seasons. However, there are certain limitations that are associated with heat pumps. At low temperatures, heat pumps do not perform as well and may create an uncomfortable indoor environment. For New Jersey residents, this can be a major concern because of low temperatures during the winter months.1 As a result, homes in NJ require a heating system that can combat the frigid weather.

There are also certain types of heat pumps that require a network of HVAC ducts. This can be a costly inconvenience, thanks to the higher cost of installation, along with the time that the project will require for completion. In New Jersey, there is a number of older homes that do not have ductwork. For these homes to accommodate a ducted system, they will have to be retrofitted. This requires plenty of work since walls and ceilings have to be taken apart and rebuilt, costing the homeowner about $6,800 to as much as $12,400.2

And then there is the electrical system. Older houses often do not have the kind of system that can accommodate heat pump power requirements. To increase the home’s electrical capacity, it has to be upgraded. The cost of this upgrade can range from $4,000 to around $7,000.3 These figures simply do not help the argument for electrification.

For those who are still interested in converting their current system to a heat pump, Point Bay Fuel specializes in heat pump services. Be sure to click the button below to learn more.

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Using Electric Water Heaters in Place of Fuel-Based Water Heaters

plumber installing an electric water heater in nj

Water heaters are a necessity in every home. With warm or hot water on tap, certain chores are simply easier, including bathing, cleaning, and cooking. The type of fuel that home heating systems use is generally the same type also used for many types of water heaters. Because they cost less, many households rely on heating oil, propane, or gas water heating systems.

If you are thinking of complete electrification, you will have to install an electric-powered water heater. The expected cost for this project is around $4,000 to pay for materials and labor.4 If you happen to have a large home, you may require several water heater units, which means you will have to pay more for materials and installation costs.

And then there is the issue of existing water heater/s. If it happens to be installed in an area that the technician will find difficult to reach, expect to spend more on labor. Most contractors may charge up to $500 to do the job. Since you will be buying a new unit, you may have to pay for an extended warranty as protection. Add up the cost of permits, electrical work, carpentry, and expansion tanks and you might have to pay $3,000 more. Finally, there’s the cosmetic repair to be done in case some parts of your home have to be removed or destroyed in the process of installation. This can include retiling of your bathroom and drywall repairs.

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Switching to an Electric-Powered Stove

Electric stoves require 240V of power while gas stoves only use 120V. To make the safe transition to electrification, you will have to hire an electrician for the job. The electrician will install a receptacle close to the stove that is compatible with its voltage requirement, then connect new wires to the receptacle from the nearby circuit breaker. You likely will pay at least $400 for this job, depending on the configuration of your kitchen.5

On the one hand, electric stoves allow you to have precise control of the temperature and they are easy to clean. However, gas stoves heat up food faster and are more durable. If you happen to live in an area that experiences frequent power outages, then electrification may not be the best option. However, if you have made up your mind about converting, then make sure you have access to alternative cooking solutions in case of emergencies.

Getting the Charging Station Set Up for Your Electric Car

electric car charging station in new jersey

Once you purchase an electric vehicle, you will have to make several changes to your electrification system. To ensure that your electric car is ready at any time, it has to be charged regularly. This requirement is best accommodated by setting up your own EV charging station. An electrician will charge an average of $750 for the job, depending on the type of the unit and the complexity of the setup.

Level 1 or basic chargers are the most affordable. However, they are also slow. Most of these chargers can be plugged directly into any standard socket running on 120V. Level 2 or advanced charging stations cost more to buy and install but they will charge up the vehicle more quickly. Expect to pay just under $2,000 for this type of installation.6 Finally, there is the cost of charging the car. If you use it regularly or on a daily basis, you might have to charge your EV every night. The cost will depend largely on how many miles you have traveled that day.

Switching to Electric Dryers

image of an electric clothes dryer

Electric dryers and gas dryers work by generating heat to dry clothes. If you want to use an article of clothing immediately after laundry, a dryer is the better option compared to air drying. Gas dryers do not use as much energy as electric dryers, which is why many people prefer them.7 Bob Vila states that on average, gas dryers cost only 15 to 25 cents a load. Electric dryers, on the other hand, will cost around 30 to 40 cents for each load.8 For long-term savings, gas-powered dryers are still the way to go.

If you still want to switch to an electric dryer, of course, you will have to buy a new unit. Electric dryers have a power supply requirement of 240V, which means you will need an electrician to install a compatible socket in your laundry area. Your electrician will likely charge from $250-$1,000 for the job. If you have a smaller electric dryer, it will probably only require a standard low-voltage socket but with the limited power capacity, you may not expect the same performance.

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Getting Gas Disconnected

Once you switch to an electric-powered dryer, then your gas supply has to be disconnected. A contractor can do this for you. They will identify the location of the shutoff valve that connects to the gas pipe that runs through a wall. The valve has to be turned off to stop gas from flowing so that the tubing can be disconnected. The contractor will then cover the valve to protect it from dirt.

If you do not have a compatible outlet, an electrician can help you with this issue. This is a fairly easy project for your electrician and you can expect to pay around $350 for it. However, the length of time it will take for the job to be completed will depend on certain factors. If you have a drywall that is in the way, for example, could slow down the job. As a result, you could pay upwards of $1,000 for installation and subsequent repairs.9 Your home might also require a breaker panel that has a higher capacity, which will add to your cost. If you want to know how much to expect for this project, make sure to ask your electrician for a quote before agreeing to any project.

Electrical Service Upgrade

upgrading electrical service in new jersey home

Older homes in New Jersey usually have a 100 amperes electric service rating. This should be sufficient for most appliances but if you will switch to an all-electric home, you will have to upgrade your system to 200 amperes. At this rate, you can run multiple appliances simultaneously without worries.

For the installation and the box, you are looking at spending around $750-$2,000. The cost can go higher if the project requires a new circuit breaker, wiring, and permit. If you have the skills and knowledge to do the job, you could save a lot if you could do it yourself. Or, you could simply look for an electrician who charges a lower hourly rate. However,r if a major overhaul is required for your electrical wiring, expect the cost to go as high as $4,500.10


The Master Energy Plan: Obstacles & Consequences

With environmental awareness at the top of everyone’s minds, more and more people are looking for ways to utilize clean energy. Like many states in the U.S., New Jersey is pushing for this option as well. By 2050, the New Jersey Energy Master Plan is aiming to achieve 100% clean energy. Although there is full support from the residential energy industry, the plan has limitations and consequences that should not be ignored. New Jersey’s families must know what they can expect if the Energy Master Plan is implemented, especially since it will also impact many aspects of their lives, including their finances.

Why You Should Take Action Today

It’s time that your opinion is counted. Let your local senator know what your concerns are and what they can do about it. Click the button below.

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1. Significant Upfront Costs That Are Unnecessary

When you switch from gas power to electric power for your heating and cooling, know that it is going to be an expensive step. However, there is more than just the price of the appliances and equipment – there are also hidden costs. When you add all of these up, the figure can be staggering. By their estimate, NJ contractors believe that the cost of converting to a heat pump is a minimum of $20,000 for the entire house. Once you decide on the electrification of water heaters, dryers, cooking stoves, and other major appliances, the cost can climb even higher. Most households simply cannot afford this upfront cost and those that can will likely still look for better and cheaper ways.


2. Unmanageable Expenses

Gas- and oil-powered appliances are more financially sensible in that these types of fuel are cheaper compared to electricity, based on the current consumption rates in the state. Once households begin shifting towards electrification, the demand for power will push the costs higher. This likely will be a major issue during winter when every household will need to use their heat pumps 24/7. A better option would be to have multiple low-carbon solutions aside from electrification. This will also help ensure that prices are regulated and that clean energy is made available to more homeowners.

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3. Strain On The Electric Grid

Heat pumps are built efficiently but they do require a lot of power to run. When electric heat pumps are the sole heat source in winter, the spike in demand will strain the power grid.11 To ensure that the grid is ready, major infrastructure upgrades are required, which will, in turn, require enormous investments. However, even with upgrades, heat pumps may not generate enough heat during extremely low temperatures. This is why there is a need for other types of heating options to be made available.

We certainly do not want the power outage that occurred in Texas in early 2021. This happened mainly due to increased power demands that resulted in rolling blackouts. During the 2021 winter storm, Texas counted 111 fatalities.12

4. Missed Opportunities

According to, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) claimed that about 13% of American households use electricity to meet their heating needs.13 At 75%, natural gas is still the popular choice, with petroleum products at 10%. These numbers suggest that New Jersey’s plan to achieve complete electrification in less than 30 years is going to require plenty of work. The switch may even be unnecessary, thanks to the availability of zero-carbon and low-carbon options such as Bioheat fuel and renewable natural gas. These options also have lower emissions and do not require costly conversion of equipment.



If we must make the switch to a sustainable future, then we must navigate the issue very carefully. Many solutions seem obvious initially but they may be problematic over the long term. The NJ Energy Master Plan requires a costly transition from gas to electric for heat pumps – something that many families are not likely to afford. There is also the issue of the cost of energy consumption which could prove difficult to afford for households that are struggling financially. It’s about time we find ways to explore other options to give people better and more viable means to enjoy clean energy.

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1. Weather in New Jersey: Climate, Seasons, and Average Monthly Temperature ↩
2. Comparative Energy Use of Residential Gas Furnaces and Electric Heat Pumps ↩
3. Op-Ed: The big and costly flaw in Gov. Murphy’s Energy Master Plan ↩
4. How Much Does Water Heater Replacement Cost? ↩
5. Should I Convert My Electric Stove to a Gas? ↩
6. How Much Does An Electric Car Charging Station Installation Cost? ↩
7. Can A Gas Dryer Be Converted To Electric? ↩
8. Choosing a New Appliance: Gas vs. Electric Dryers ↩
9. I Want to Replace Gas Clothes Dryer with an All-electric One. Who do I Contact about Disconnecting Gas? ↩
10. How Much Does it Cost to Upgrade to a 200 AMP Service? ↩
11. Why does the electricity grid have to stay in balance? ↩
12. Texas Tribune: At Least 111 People Died In Texas During Winter Storm, Most From Hypothermia ↩
13. Inside the Energy Master Plan ↩

The post The Hidden Costs Of Electrification – Things You Need To Know! appeared first on Point Bay Fuel.

9 Ways To Create A Warm Home For The Holidays

image of family enjoying holidays and home heating in winter

The holidays are a great opportunity to meet and catch up with friends and family. If you are a host this year, create an environment where your guests feel comfortable, warm, and relaxed. Having a warm and inviting home will help the conversation to flow. To add to the atmosphere, good food, and decorations go a long way. Prepare the house in a warm and toasty way to keep the cold outside with the help of your heating system. Use these holiday heating tips to make your home a bright, cozy, and welcoming place for everybody to enjoy.

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Holiday Heating Tips – Keep Your Home Cozy, Warm, & Welcoming

1. Plug The Gaps In Windows, Doors, & Walls

image of homeowner sealing air drafts

Gaps in windows and doors let out precious heat and let in cold drafts. Take a look around the home and if you see any gaps in the windows, under doors, and check the walls for holes. If you find any then fill them in with caulk or filler. Windows can be taped up and you can even purchase special seals to fill in gaps in the windows and doors. Sealing windows, doors, and walls will make a huge difference in keeping the heat in, and the cold out. It also helps reduce energy bills.

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2. Change the HVAC Filters For A More Efficient Heating System

image of a dirty hvac filter

Air filters in the HVAC units and home furnaces are designed to protect the furnace and heating systems from dust and dirt and allow the system to work more efficiently at heating your home and circulating air. Over time the dust and dirt block the filers, and the system becomes less efficient at distributing heat and air around the home. Cleaning and changing the filters will allow warm air to circulate efficiently and reduce the energy needed to heat your home, reducing energy bills, improving air quality, and saving on home heating costs.

3. Install A Programmable Thermostat

It is common knowledge that heating requirements change throughout the day. For example, you will need less heat while you are away for the day and more heat while you are spending time together at home. Thermostats can be changed manually, or they can be changed using a program. Programmable thermostats can be programmed to automatically adjust the temperature based on the time of day and your schedule. It is more reliable than manual settings and it can be more cost-effective.

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4. Keep Up The Maintenance On the HVAC Heating System

image of an hvac contractor performing a furnace tune-up

It is usually a good idea to get the HVAC units and heating systems serviced at least once a year. HVAC maintenance experts can arrange a thorough inspection of the HVAC unit, furnace, ducts, and pipes to ensure they are working at the optimum level. Not only does regular maintenance save on costly HVAC repairs, but it will also save energy costs and provide a more reliable source of heat during the winter months.

5. Install a Tankless Water Heater

When a lot of friends and family visit, some for several days, it can sometimes be hard to ensure there is enough hot water for everybody. Heated water tanks are fine for those already living in the home, but they often struggle with the increased demands of overnight guests. A Tankless water heater heats water as and when it is needed. Installing a tankless water heater will provide unlimited hot water as and when it is needed.

6. Set Up An HVAC Zoning System

image of a ductless mini-split system

HVAC zoning systems allow individual areas in the home to be heated individually. In some cases, you may only need to heat two or three rooms or areas, rather than the whole house. You will need to get an HVAC expert to set the systems up properly (poor zoning is inefficient and not cost-effective). Once the system is set up, each zone can be controlled separately. When guests are not in the home, the zones can be adjusted to save energy and costs.

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7. Inspect The HVAC Air Vents

Just like the vents on the furnace and HVAC unit, blocked vents throughout the house can seriously affect the airflow, and heat distribution, throughout the home. Check vents in the walls and inspect furniture placement. A sofa over an air vent will prevent the movement of air.

8. Exercise Caution When Using Space Heaters

woman using space heater incorrectly

If you have done all of the above and there are still cold spots within the home, you can use space heaters. Space heaters are a quick way to warm a cold area. They need to be used carefully however as they use a lot of electricity and are not as efficient at heating rooms as a heating system. Furthermore, they also pose a fire risk as flammable objects placed close to or over the heaters pose a fire hazard. They are also not ideal if there are young children as they can get very hot and pose a safety risk. They will also need to be turned off before going to bed.

8. Reverse the Ceiling Fan

Ceiling fans can be used to reverse the hot air collecting at the ceiling and force it back to the ground. Set the fans to spin in a clockwise direction. This is a more efficient way of using warm air and avoids the need to turn the thermostat up.

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Creating a warm and welcoming home for the holidays does not have to be expensive or time-consuming. There are many small things that can be done to make the home warm and energy-efficient. The tips mentioned above are just some of the ways a warm home can be achieved, and energy bills reduced. Exert assistance from HVAC contractors is available to help you achieve these goals. Also, be sure to check your fuel tank and schedule a fuel delivery when your tank is about 30% full. This way, you won’t run out of fuel while you are busy entertaining guests. Careful preparations and maintenance can help you achieve and warm and welcoming home for your guests for the holidays and leave a lasting impression.

Call Point Bay Fuel For All Your HVAC Requirements


Point Bay Fuel provides the best heating and cooling services in Ocean and Monmouth County, New Jersey. We employ the best-certified technicians who can provide you with excellent HVAC tune-ups, maintenance, repairs, installations, and replacements. Each of our technicians has the knowledge and experience to provide service to your HVAC system correctly.

Point Bay Fuel guarantees the most competitively priced heating and cooling service in the area. Our maintenance services can improve your energy efficiency and comfort while reducing home heating and cooling costs. If you require an HVAC repair or replacement system, we can recommend the best system for your home and budget. All our work is backed with a guarantee. To schedule a service appointment, give Point Bay Fuel a call today.

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Contact us now by calling (732) 349-5059 to speak to one of our home comfort specialists!

The post 9 Ways To Create A Warm Home For The Holidays appeared first on Point Bay Fuel.

Monday, December 13, 2021

What Does AFUE Rating Really Mean?

image of energy efficiency and home heating hvac system

Energy Star reports that your home HVAC system accounts for almost 50% of your overall energy costs. One method to cut this bill is to make smart decisions about your heating and cooling system’s maintenance, replacements, and repairs. When replacing a heating system, you should be familiar with the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency, or AFUE rating. It has a direct impact on your energy consumption and bills.

Read on to learn more about the AFUE rating.

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AFUE Rating Definition

image of efficiency rating depicting home heating systemThe American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) created the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE). It is a percentage that measures a heating system’s energy efficiency. Examples of heating systems are furnaces, boilers, and water heaters. Generally, AFUE rating is defined as the ratio of the heat produced against the heating unit’s total fuel consumption.

Calculating the AFUE rating of your heater means dividing the amount of fuel used by the system by the amount of heat generated. This is typically in the British thermal unit (BTU). For instance, if your system has an 85% AFUE value, then 85% of the fuel energy used is for heating, while the remaining 15% is lost to inefficient burners, chimneys, and others. Take note that AFUE doesn’t account for any heat that’s lost in HVAC ducts and pipes. The heat loss can be a significant number. As per the US Department of Energy (DOE), ducts in attics, garages, and other unconditioned areas can lose up to 35% of the furnace energy output.

A high AFUE value usually means that the furnace is highly efficient and vice versa. Therefore, having a high AFUE rating means you’ll have lower fuel costs. Take note that electric heat pumps don’t use AFUE in heating mode. They use Heating Season Performance Factor (HSPF) instead. The US Department of Energy now uses AFUE as a national measurement standard to indicate a heating system’s combustion efficiency.

The DOE set the AFUE rating for gas heating systems to promote energy efficiency across the US. It is currently at 80% and 90% for the Southwest and Northern regions, respectively. As a result, nearly all new furnaces made today have AFUE ratings of 90% or higher.

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How To Find The AFUE Rating

The Federal Trade Commission requires furnace and boiler manufacturers to give the AFUE ratings of their products as this will help consumers make smart decisions during purchase. Most manufacturers put this information in the EnergyGuide label or the yellow tag you see in most electrical appliances. If you cannot find the EnergyGuide label or the rating isn’t on the yellow tag, check your owner’s manual or look it up on the manufacturer’s or retailer’s website. Remember that heating systems usually become less efficient as time passes. Therefore, the manufacturer’s printed AFUE rating is likely higher than your system’s actual rating. Have an HVAC professional inspect your system to get its actual AFUE rating.

What Is A Good AFUE Rating?

image of homeowner with calculator to determine afue rating

As per the DOE, anything above 80% for those living in the Southwest and 90% for the Northwest region is a good AFUE rating. Heating systems typically become less efficient over time. Under-performing or old heating units can have AFUE ratings as low as 56% to 70%. The DOE standards require that the AFUE ratings of new systems should be at least 78%. Heating systems can be classified as low-efficiency (less than 80%), mid-efficiency (80% to 89%), and high-efficiency (90% or higher) based on their AFUE ratings. The highest AFUE rating is 97% to 98.5% because of heating system inefficiencies, such as firing and distribution losses.

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How Can Homeowners Use AFUE Ratings?

image of homeowner saving money due to buying heating system with good afue rating


The AFUE rating measures the efficiency of your furnace’s operation. In general, furnaces lose efficiency as time passes. Therefore, older furnaces likely have lower AFUE values. The heating systems sold in the United States before 1975 weren’t required to meet any minimum AFUE ratings. The minimum AFUE rating was set to 78% in 1987 and increased to 80% in 2015 by the DOE. Furnaces that are 15 years old and over are inefficient and costly to operate. Replacing it with even a low-efficiency system with an AFUE rating of 80% can result in higher energy savings and lower energy costs. If you want more savings, select a furnace with a higher rating. The most energy-efficient systems today have around 98.5% AFUE rating. Keep in mind that the AFUE rating you choose will significantly affect your carbon footprint and energy bills.

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Should I Buy A High-Efficiency Furnace?

Several factors need to be considered before answering this query. The first factor is the location of your home. If you live in a cold region and use your furnace often, a high-efficiency furnace is your best option as it will provide you with great energy savings in the long run. Its efficiency can be as much as 18.5% more than a low-efficiency system. Various studies state that American households spend an average of $600 or more on heating annually. Therefore, you can save up to $111 a year when you have a high-efficiency system.

You also need to consider your budget. High-efficiency furnaces have an average initial cost of around $1,000 more than mid-efficiency ones. However, furnaces generally have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years. Saving $111 for 15 years means you’ll have a total savings of over $1,600. Therefore, the system will eventually pay back its additional installation cost.


Features of High AFUE Furnaces

In general, furnaces with high AFUE ratings support new features and technologies to provide you with unparalleled energy efficiency. Here are some of their standout features:

  • Improved air filtration systems
  • Variable speed blowers
  • Variable heat output
  • Secondary heat exchanger
  • Direct spark ignition systems
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AFUE measures the heating system’s energy efficiency. It is used by the US Department of Energy as the standard for furnace efficiency. All furnaces sold in the United States should have a minimum 80% AFUE rating or higher.

Call Point Bay Fuel For All Of Your HVAC Requirements


Point Bay Fuel provides top-quality heating and cooling services in Ocean and Monmouth County, New Jersey. Our company has highly trained and the best professionally certified technicians for all your HVAC service needs, including boiler tune-ups, air conditioner repairs, furnace installations, and more. All our techs are knowledgeable, skilled and experienced in working on any HVAC system correctly.

Rest assured, we have the most competitive HVAC service prices in the area. Our maintenance services can enhance comfort and energy efficiency while reducing your energy bills. When you need to replace or repair your HVAC system, we can recommend the best solutions that fit your home and budget. All our work comes with a guarantee. Book a service appointment by calling Point Bay Fuel today. We offer in-home estimates.

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Contact us now by calling (732) 349-5059 to speak to one of our home comfort specialists!

The post What Does AFUE Rating Really Mean? appeared first on Point Bay Fuel.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Tips On Improving Indoor Air Quality For Asthmatics

woman experiencing asthma attack due to poor indoor air quality

The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America poses some indoor air quality facts on a frequent basis. These facts claim that there is exposure to substances that trigger asthma on a daily basis for most individuals in the United States. This is because they spend the majority of their time indoors.

Even though it is not realistic to eliminate those triggers entirely, there are various ways to reduce them. Thankfully, an HVAC system can help reduce indoor air pollutants that cause asthma attacks. Some of these indoor air pollutants include dander, mildew, mold, and dust.

Your HVAC system’s condition has a direct effect on your home’s indoor air quality. Toms River, NJ residents, can significantly increase the quality of their air when using a cooling and heating system. Point Bay Fuel offers high-quality HVAC services that can help individuals that suffer from asthma or other respiratory illnesses. When you are looking for indoor air pollution solutions, we are your go-to!

By improving your home’s air…

you can help prevent respiratory illnesses and those asthmatic triggers for those who live in your home. By removing these triggers, there is a reduction in potential asthma attacks, allergies, and other respiratory symptoms that can be difficult to deal with.

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Tips On Improving Indoor Air Quality & Preventing Respiratory Issues

In this article, we will discuss some ways to improve indoor air quality.

HVAC Filtration

hvac air filter replacement

Air filters reduce the number of airborne particles in your home, thus improving the quality of the air that you and your loved ones breathe. These indoor airborne pollutants include pollen, cockroach droppings, pet dander, dust mites, mold, and other allergens. Fortunately, standard filtration, found in most modern HVAC systems, can help eliminate these triggers.

However, if you or your loved ones suffer from allergies or asthma, you should do the following…

Ask your HVAC contractor to install a HEPA filter in place of your standard HVAC filter. A HEPA filter is a high-efficiency particulate air filter. When it is determined that a standard filtration system is not adequate for your needs, this is a good option. Various filters are associated with different air-quality standards inside a home. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health states that HEPA filters eliminate approximately 99.9 percent of particles that are 0.3 microns or bigger. For this reason, it makes perfect sense to use such filters in homes where individuals suffer from respiratory problems. Additional options available on today’s market include secondary filtration systems and individual room filters. Call Point Bay Fuel to schedule a consultation.

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UV Light Treatment

UV lamps are another option that may be effective in eliminating biological contaminants. This is because they produce UV-C rays, which can kill bacteria, mold, and other substances. Therefore, such lights help eliminate additional triggers for asthma and allergens from your home. When your HVAC system and UV lamps work together, you achieve healthier air. The UV-C rays affect the air that passes through the system when UV lamps are placed inside the ductwork. Such lamps also help to sterilize the HVAC system, ultimately helping to prevent asthma attacks and allergies.


image of dry indoor air and humidifier

Many people who suffer from asthma have a problem with humidity. This may be due to the fact that humidity enhances the growth of mold, dust mites, and mildew, all of which are asthma triggers. These are the primary culprits of indoor air pollution sources. In addition, it can exacerbate other types of respiratory issues.

However, for some asthmatics, dry air is also a trigger. Therefore you should maintain the humidity level in your dwelling at a comfortable level, rather than at one extreme or the other.

Generally speaking, the humidity level inside tends to be lower in the winter and higher in the summer. There are certain strategies you can utilize to maintain indoor moisture levels including the installation of a variable speed HVAC furnace. You may also choose to install a dehumidifier and a humidifier for the summer and winter seasons, respectively. Modern HVAC systems typically have control mechanisms for humidity that help regulate it within your home. Obviously, this is helpful for those with respiratory problems or asthma and will give you a higher level of indoor air quality standards.

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Vacuuming And Cleaning

To remove allergens and airborne particles on a regular basis, you should vacuum and clean frequently. If not, these particles will collect within your HVAC system and recirculate throughout your home. Always use a vacuum with a HEPA filter.

Regular Heating & Cooling Maintenance

image of a furnace tune-up by an hvac contractor

It is important to schedule regular maintenance for your HVAC system. Only a qualified HVAC technician should maintain your system. Speak to them about upgrades or any necessary repairs.

As part of a regular evaluation for your system, the technician should also clean the unit to prevent pollutants from building up inside. This is an excellent way to improve indoor air quality. An extra benefit of this activity is the fact that your energy costs will decrease. The unit does not have to work as hard as it does when it is not properly maintained. Call Point Bay Fuel to schedule an appointment.

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Pet dander, dust mites, cockroach droppings, mold, and other airborne particles can potentially trigger asthma attacks. Fortunately, a proper HVAC system can help decrease these pollutants and improve the indoor air quality of your home. To enjoy the best results, combine the use of humidifiers, dehumidifiers, and UV lamps with an updated HVAC system.


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Call Point Bay Fuel For All Of Your HVAC Requirements


Point Bay Fuel offers superior heating and cooling services in Ocean and Monmouth County, New Jersey.

Our certified technicians can provide you with excellent HVAC services, including heating and cooling tune-ups, repairs, installations, and replacements. Each technician has outstanding knowledge and experience to serve your HVAC system needs correctly, the first time around.

Point Bay Fuel guarantees to provide the most competitive heating and cooling service costs in the area. Our maintenance services ensure to improve your comfort and air quality, increase your system’s energy efficiency, and reduce your home’s heating and cooling costs.

Need your system repaired or replaced? We’ll recommend the best solution that works well within your budget. The best part is, all our work is backed with a guarantee to ensure your satisfaction.

If you wish to schedule a service appointment, give us a call today!

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Contact us now by calling (732) 349-5059 to speak to one of our home comfort specialists!

The post Tips On Improving Indoor Air Quality For Asthmatics appeared first on Point Bay Fuel.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Power Up Your Home With Great Fuel Oil Delivery In Toms River

point bay fuel oil delivery toms river nj

When you need a Toms River NJ fuel oil delivery, be sure to contact Point Bay Fuel, your reliable and trusted heating oil delivery service.

By ordering from us, you will get high-quality fuels at the best available home heating oil prices. Also, we specialize in HVAC services. When your heater needs a tune-up or repair, we have certified HVAC technicians on staff to perform that task for you. As your preferred home comfort specialists, you can feel confident that when you call our office to schedule an appointment, only the best-trained technicians will be there to help.

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How Oil Heating Systems Work

When the inside temperature gets below the setting on your thermostat…

a signal is sent to the heating system to fire back up. This signal causes your heater to produce heat which it distributes throughout your home. Depending on your heating system, this process involves steam going through radiators, hot water passing through baseboards, or warm air traveling through air ducts and vents. In this article, we will discuss how various heating oil systems work.

Types Of Oil-Fired Heating Systems

cute kitten on oil heat radiator

There are two main types of oil heating systems. These are warm air and water systems. Hydronic heating systems work by way of hot water or steam. Just like the name implies, hot air systems heat the air and then distribute it throughout the home. A blower pushes hot air through a system of air ducts and vents. The vents are in the walls and floor leading into each room. A return duct is used to draw the cold air back into the heater. The cold air is heated once again and the blower redistributes it throughout the house. This is what is called the heating cycle.

Hot water and steam heaters heat the water first in a cast iron or steel boiler. The resulting hot water then travels throughout the home in liquid or gaseous form. In hot water systems, the heated water is circulated as a liquid through radiators or baseboards. On the other hand, steam systems only use the steam rising from the heated water and this hot steam flows through pipes to radiators and out into the rooms.

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Main Components Of An Oil Heating System

The main components of an oil heating system consist of…

the heating oil tank, burners, heat exchanger, blower, and the flue.

Heating Oil Tank

image of a heating oil tank replacement in toms river new jersey

The design of your heating system and heating oil tank is what determines their placement. Some are above ground and others below. Some are outdoors and others, indoors. Wherever your tank placement is, be sure to replace your heating oil tank when it has reached the end of its expected lifespan.

Also, you must make sure that you are ordering high-quality fuel. There are fewer impurities in high-quality fuel oil. This is important because impurities affect the amount of sludge that builds up over the lifetime of the tank. It is well worth it to buy high-quality heating oil even if it costs a bit more per gallon. You’ll pay less for it in the long run. However, it is important to note that all tanks develop sludge. High-quality fuel has fewer impurities in it which slows down the process. Also, reputable home heating oil delivery companies place additives in their oil that help prevent sludge buildup.

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When your heater is operating, heating fuel oil moves into the burner from the heating oil tank. The burner atomizes the oil and mixes it with air in the burner. This ensures that it ignites inside the combustion chamber.

Heat Exchanger

The result of the ignition of the oil/air mixture is that the flame heats a series of metal tubes known as the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is a good heat conductor and remains hot for a long time. The return duct passes cool air over the heat exchanger and which heats the air.


The blower in the furnace distributes warm air throughout the home’s ductwork.


image of a boiler expansion tank

Carbon monoxide and other potentially lethal gases are a byproduct of combustion of all heating fuels.

This is regardless of whether it is natural gas or heating oil. To remove CO gases from your home and to protect your family, heating oil systems have flue pipes that go to the outside of the house. This ensures that your interior air is safe, improving your indoor air quality. Nevertheless, to ensure that your family is completely safe, the installation of carbon monoxide detectors throughout the home is crucial.

As a general rule, unlike natural gas systems, heating oil systems produce obvious signals long before carbon monoxide leaks create a problem. You will see soot and smell oil. However, it is always better to install detectors even if heating oil is used to heat your home. Every heating system should inspire the installation of CO detectors because they all carry the potential for CO leaks.

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Oil Heating System Maintenance

image of a residential boiler repair

Hiring a qualified HVAC technician to perform routine maintenance on your heating system is a must for keeping it operating in pristine condition. Annual preventative maintenance checks are the best way to accomplish this. Call Point Bay Fuel to schedule an appointment.

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The two main oil heating systems are hot air and water systems. This heat then travels through the home through a series of pipes or ducts and vents. The main components of oil heating systems include the oil storage tank, burners, heat exchanger, blower, and flue pipe.

To be on the safe side, be sure to install carbon monoxide detectors throughout your home. Hiring a qualified HVAC technician is another step of the process of ensuring that your home is safe by routine cleaning and repair of your heating system.

When looking for fuel oil delivery near me or the best local fuel oil prices, make sure to purchase your oil from a local reputable fuel oil dealer. For the best heating oil companies near me, contact Point Bay Fuel.

We offer the fastest delivery times at the best fuel oil prices.

You can count on us to provide you with high-quality fuel and friendly service. Ask us about our financing and delivery plan options. We also offer HVAC services that ensure that your heating system is operating efficiently. Call today to schedule an appointment.

Call Point Bay Fuel For Superior Home Comfort Solutions


Point Bay Fuel offers superior heating oil deliveries and HVAC services in Ocean and Monmouth Counties, New Jersey. Our heating oil deliveries are fast, reliable, and affordable, and we always keep your safety in mind. We offer various heating oil delivery plans and financing options. This way, you can customize your fuel deliveries to meet your needs.

Likewise, we hire the best, certified HVAC technicians who can provide you with excellent HVAC tune-ups, repairs, installations, and replacements. Each of our techs has the knowledge and experience to service your HVAC system correctly – the first time around.

Point Bay Fuel guarantees the most competitive home comfort service costs in the area. Our maintenance services can improve your comfort and energy efficiency while reducing your home HVAC costs. If you are interested in improving your indoor air quality, then look no further. Our experts know the most advanced solutions to achieve all of your home comfort needs. All of our services are backed with a guarantee to ensure your satisfaction. To schedule an appointment, give Point Bay Fuel a call today.

Call Today: (732) 349-5059 Read Our Testimonials

Contact us now by calling (732) 349-5059 to speak to one of our home comfort specialists!

The post Power Up Your Home With Great Fuel Oil Delivery In Toms River appeared first on Point Bay Fuel.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Will Your Gas Furnace Continue Working During An Electrical Outage?

image of a homeowner during power outage without a working gas furnace

Your very first defense against the bitter cold of the winter months is your furnace. Your home comfort is reliant upon this appliance and its ability to distribute heated air throughout the building. Unfortunately, winter can often bring extreme weather. Electrical power can be knocked out by a storm, leaving you and everyone else in the dark. However, will a gas furnace work without electricity? Sadly, it won’t. If you have a gas furnace in your home, it won’t work when the electricity goes out. The good news is that are things that you can do to stay safe and comfortable during an electrical outage.

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Why Gas Furnaces Can’t Operate Without Electricity

It’s a common assumption that furnaces will continue to be reliable heat sources when the electricity stops working. After all, these appliances burn gas to produce heat. However, gas furnaces aren’t stoves. They do need electricity as part of their heat generation process. Gas furnaces have components that need electricity to function and thus, they’re basically useless when power outages occur.

Furnace Components That Need Electricity

  • Relays: These are switches in charge of controlling the gas flow and all of the safety devices within the system including the fuel regulator and the thermocouple.
  • Circuit Boards: These components transmit signals between the furnace and thermostat
  • Blower Motor: This is the motor that uses fans to force heated air throughout the ducting and it also requires electricity to function
  • Electric Ignition Switch: The electric ignition system in a modern gas furnace doesn’t use a pilot light to fire the burners up. In the absence of a working power supply, an electric ignition switch won’t be able to start your furnace up.

All of these components are integral parts of a modern gas furnace. If even one isn’t functioning due to no electrical supply, the entire system won’t be able to function.

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Tips for Keeping Warm Without the Benefit Of Electricity

Given that you cannot change the way in which your furnace is built, the next thing to worry about is how to keep everyone in the home warm during a power outage. This can be a special challenge during snowstorms when outside temperatures quickly plummet. Following are several ways to preserve and even generate heat when your gas functioning is no longer functioning due to power loss:

Seal Up all Gaps, Crevices, and Cracks

image of homeowner sealing air drafts

Warm indoor air will escape through any crevices and cracks throughout the building. Moreover, cold air can start seeping in as well. One good form of prevention is to check all windows, doors, wall joints, and other areas that might be cracked or warped well before winter actually arrives. There are weatherproofing chemicals that you can use or weatherproofing tape for sealing cracks and holes shut. This is an imported measure even with the power on as it helps keep heat inside and makes your home more energy-efficient, limiting your energy bills.

If you wind up in the middle of winter with indoor air that’s getting increasingly colder fast, collect thick towels and other materials and then use these items to block up areas and spots that are allowing cold air to flow in. If necessary, you can even secure these things in place with tape.

Layer Up and Cover Up

Try wearing a few layers of clothing while inside. Thick fabrics are good insulators that will keep your body heat trapped close to you, which can be very helpful if you don’t have a reliable heat source. Choose clothing that’s light but thick and pick materials that work against cold temperatures like wool. Wear gloves and socks to protect your extremities and don a nice thick hat.

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Close All Windows and Doors

Try not to open and close doors and windows often. If you have to step outside, schedule your trips to minimize the number of times your door must be opened.

Light a Few Candles

image of a home using candles for heat during a power outage

During a power outage, candles can be a good source of illumination but they are also a good heat source as well. Light several candles and then position them close together in several areas throughout the room. This will produce sufficient heat for warming up a small-sized room.

However, do be careful when lighting and setting up candles for this purpose. Always put them on a level or stable stand or even put the stand in a water-filled bowl. This will extinguish the flame if the candle burns out or tips over. Never put candles close or directly on flammable materials or surfaces such as paper, fabric, plastic, or wood. It’s additionally important to keep your candles away from any flammable gas appliances such as an oven or stove.

If there are pets or small children in your home, position candles in areas that aren’t easy to reach and where they won’t be accidentally knocked over. Don’t leave candles lit for too long in any room. Always extinguish them before leaving a room or turning in for the night.

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Consume Warm Foods and Beverages

image of a homeowner eating soup to stay warm

If you are going to eat or drink, choose beverages or foods that are warm including hot chocolate, coffee, or tea.

Sleep and Sit With a Hot Water Bottle

Fill hot water packs or hot water bottles with hot water – not boiling – and then wrap these in cloths or towels and use them to stay warm. These can be quite helpful when going to bed for the night and needing a little extra heat.

Steps to Take If Your Furnace Won’t Turn On After an Outage

If you try turning your furnace on after a power outage and nothing happens, take a minute to inspect the system. It may be that the gas valve has turned off or that the safety lock needs to be reset. However, there are many other problems that can exist when furnaces don’t start up after electrical outages. You might be tempted to try finding and fixing these issues yourself, but you shouldn’t. This could lead to more problems than it resolves. Simply shut the power supply to your home furnace off and call a licensed technician in. This will keep your home heating system safe by ensuring that all underlying issues are properly identified and correctly resolved.

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Final Word

The best way to keep a home gas furnace reliable all throughout the cold-weather season is by keeping it in excellent shape. Routine inspections and maintenance will keep everything working as it should. If there are problems that you don’t understand, let professionals handle them right away.

Give Point Bay Fuel a Call For Any of Your HVAC Needs

Point Bay Fuel offers quality heating and cooling service in Ocean and Monmouth County, New Jersey. Our technicians are certified and trained to provide excellent HVAC installations, replacements, repairs, and tune-ups. When you want your HVAC system to run its best, our experienced techs have the expertise and knowledge to provide the correct service.

Point Bay Fuel guarantees competitive pricing for HVAC service. Our regular maintenance service can increase the efficiency of your equipment while improving indoor comfort and reducing heating and cooling bills. If you need a new heating system or repairs on your current system, we’re here to help while keeping your budget in mind. All of the work we perform comes with a guarantee of satisfaction. Give Point Bay Fuel a call today and schedule your service appointment. We offer no-obligation, in-home estimates.

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Contact us now by calling (732) 349-5059 to speak to one of our home comfort specialists!

The post Will Your Gas Furnace Continue Working During An Electrical Outage? appeared first on Point Bay Fuel.