Monday, December 20, 2021

9 Ways To Create A Warm Home For The Holidays

image of family enjoying holidays and home heating in winter

The holidays are a great opportunity to meet and catch up with friends and family. If you are a host this year, create an environment where your guests feel comfortable, warm, and relaxed. Having a warm and inviting home will help the conversation to flow. To add to the atmosphere, good food, and decorations go a long way. Prepare the house in a warm and toasty way to keep the cold outside with the help of your heating system. Use these holiday heating tips to make your home a bright, cozy, and welcoming place for everybody to enjoy.

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Holiday Heating Tips – Keep Your Home Cozy, Warm, & Welcoming

1. Plug The Gaps In Windows, Doors, & Walls

image of homeowner sealing air drafts

Gaps in windows and doors let out precious heat and let in cold drafts. Take a look around the home and if you see any gaps in the windows, under doors, and check the walls for holes. If you find any then fill them in with caulk or filler. Windows can be taped up and you can even purchase special seals to fill in gaps in the windows and doors. Sealing windows, doors, and walls will make a huge difference in keeping the heat in, and the cold out. It also helps reduce energy bills.

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2. Change the HVAC Filters For A More Efficient Heating System

image of a dirty hvac filter

Air filters in the HVAC units and home furnaces are designed to protect the furnace and heating systems from dust and dirt and allow the system to work more efficiently at heating your home and circulating air. Over time the dust and dirt block the filers, and the system becomes less efficient at distributing heat and air around the home. Cleaning and changing the filters will allow warm air to circulate efficiently and reduce the energy needed to heat your home, reducing energy bills, improving air quality, and saving on home heating costs.

3. Install A Programmable Thermostat

It is common knowledge that heating requirements change throughout the day. For example, you will need less heat while you are away for the day and more heat while you are spending time together at home. Thermostats can be changed manually, or they can be changed using a program. Programmable thermostats can be programmed to automatically adjust the temperature based on the time of day and your schedule. It is more reliable than manual settings and it can be more cost-effective.

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4. Keep Up The Maintenance On the HVAC Heating System

image of an hvac contractor performing a furnace tune-up

It is usually a good idea to get the HVAC units and heating systems serviced at least once a year. HVAC maintenance experts can arrange a thorough inspection of the HVAC unit, furnace, ducts, and pipes to ensure they are working at the optimum level. Not only does regular maintenance save on costly HVAC repairs, but it will also save energy costs and provide a more reliable source of heat during the winter months.

5. Install a Tankless Water Heater

When a lot of friends and family visit, some for several days, it can sometimes be hard to ensure there is enough hot water for everybody. Heated water tanks are fine for those already living in the home, but they often struggle with the increased demands of overnight guests. A Tankless water heater heats water as and when it is needed. Installing a tankless water heater will provide unlimited hot water as and when it is needed.

6. Set Up An HVAC Zoning System

image of a ductless mini-split system

HVAC zoning systems allow individual areas in the home to be heated individually. In some cases, you may only need to heat two or three rooms or areas, rather than the whole house. You will need to get an HVAC expert to set the systems up properly (poor zoning is inefficient and not cost-effective). Once the system is set up, each zone can be controlled separately. When guests are not in the home, the zones can be adjusted to save energy and costs.

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7. Inspect The HVAC Air Vents

Just like the vents on the furnace and HVAC unit, blocked vents throughout the house can seriously affect the airflow, and heat distribution, throughout the home. Check vents in the walls and inspect furniture placement. A sofa over an air vent will prevent the movement of air.

8. Exercise Caution When Using Space Heaters

woman using space heater incorrectly

If you have done all of the above and there are still cold spots within the home, you can use space heaters. Space heaters are a quick way to warm a cold area. They need to be used carefully however as they use a lot of electricity and are not as efficient at heating rooms as a heating system. Furthermore, they also pose a fire risk as flammable objects placed close to or over the heaters pose a fire hazard. They are also not ideal if there are young children as they can get very hot and pose a safety risk. They will also need to be turned off before going to bed.

8. Reverse the Ceiling Fan

Ceiling fans can be used to reverse the hot air collecting at the ceiling and force it back to the ground. Set the fans to spin in a clockwise direction. This is a more efficient way of using warm air and avoids the need to turn the thermostat up.

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Creating a warm and welcoming home for the holidays does not have to be expensive or time-consuming. There are many small things that can be done to make the home warm and energy-efficient. The tips mentioned above are just some of the ways a warm home can be achieved, and energy bills reduced. Exert assistance from HVAC contractors is available to help you achieve these goals. Also, be sure to check your fuel tank and schedule a fuel delivery when your tank is about 30% full. This way, you won’t run out of fuel while you are busy entertaining guests. Careful preparations and maintenance can help you achieve and warm and welcoming home for your guests for the holidays and leave a lasting impression.

Call Point Bay Fuel For All Your HVAC Requirements


Point Bay Fuel provides the best heating and cooling services in Ocean and Monmouth County, New Jersey. We employ the best-certified technicians who can provide you with excellent HVAC tune-ups, maintenance, repairs, installations, and replacements. Each of our technicians has the knowledge and experience to provide service to your HVAC system correctly.

Point Bay Fuel guarantees the most competitively priced heating and cooling service in the area. Our maintenance services can improve your energy efficiency and comfort while reducing home heating and cooling costs. If you require an HVAC repair or replacement system, we can recommend the best system for your home and budget. All our work is backed with a guarantee. To schedule a service appointment, give Point Bay Fuel a call today.

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The post 9 Ways To Create A Warm Home For The Holidays appeared first on Point Bay Fuel.

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